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Base Station Installer Alpha 1.0

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@dexslab dexslab released this 12 Mar 13:32
· 91 commits to master since this release

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So this is an alpha release for the Installer. It features working downloads for dependencies expect PlatformIO. It detects comports automatically on startup and list can be refreshed. BaseStation and BaseStation Classic can be cloned independently from one another. Ability to compile and upload BaseStationClassic has already been implemented with support for Mega or Uno only using the Arduino based motor shield. If you need another motorshield you will need to press compile and upload once it finishes you can then modify the repo to your liking and then use compile and upload again. Almost all motor shields have there specific wiring diagram embedded in the app and will change automatically. Any issues please post in Issues so we can resolve them quickly before the next release. Make sure to extract into its own folder there are a lot of files for this application currently.