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Plan9 from outer kitten api backend

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This is the api backend for plan9 mmorpg.


  1. Make sure you have nodejs installed.
  2. Ensure npm is installed, too.
  3. Ensure you have a redis server up and running.
  4. Checkout these sources.
  5. Install some dependencies
 npm cache clean
 sudo npm i -g --unsafe-perm pm2
 sudo npm i -g grunt-cli
 sudo npm i -g fibers
 sudo npm i -g nodemon
 sudo npm i -g sardines
 npm i fibers
 npm install
 grunt prepare


sh bin/

NOTE: By default the redis listening on will be used. It is recommended to have a separate redis instance for iojs. Otherwise your current data might be overwritten.

Development & Testing

For now, also use bin/, it installs all necessary dependencies.

  1. Install some dependencies
npm i -g nodemon;
npm i -g sardines;


sh bin/

Running the dev server

To start plan9 server:

 grunt start-plan9-dev

Now you can connect to the servers by

Please accept the https certificates.

Running the prod server

For prod we are using pm2 to manage the servers by cluster and have monitoring and logging in place. We start it by execution of /bin/ with according --file .js parameter.

You can use grunt for that, too:

grunt start-plan9-prod

It will just execute the /bin/

Node.js environment

You don't need to install all node packages globally by using nave.

Just download and put it as "nave" in your path.

You can then create and manage multiple local node.js environments:

# get current stable
nave use stable

# get current latest
nave use latest

# use specific installed version
nave use 0.10.26

# show all installed node.js versions
nave ls

# more info
nave help

Executing "npm install" in a nave environment will install the package(s) for the respective local node.js version, even for "global" installation. Thus, when updating to the latest "stable" version, you will have to re-install all npm packages.


Api Backend

Redis is needed for dev, test and prod. Rabbit is needed for prod, only. In dev and test you can replace the connector to use in the config/(dev|test).yml file.

If you want to use the backend, please install redis and rabbit. You have to run a nginx for ssl handling if you want https support.

server: connector: amqpconnector|fileconnector


NodeJS API Backend for the Plan9 workshop







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