The amazingly most insane MMORPG ever built.
Not really important ones.
It is compatible to cats. Not to dogs.
Yes. It can be installed.
- Please enter the vagrant by
vagrant ssh
- Go to the plan9 php source dir
cd ~/deck36-php-web-app
- Update composer.phar
./composer.phar self-update
- Execute composer.phar install
./composer.phar install
- Start building your app by calling
./phing.phar build
To start development on the project, just build the environment with the defaults.
- Start building your app by calling
./phing.phar build
- Execute the test by calling (but dont expect tests)
./phing.phar test
./phing.phar build
./phing.phar initializeGame
This is important. Do it for faster results.
You can just replace mike and mike`s mail address with your favorite name. If it is mike it is ok, too. :)
php app/console fos:user:create mike testpwd
php app/console fos:user:create admin --super-admin
ONLY needed if you want to have an other theme (like dogs theme) which makes this incompatible with cats. Mainly the following commands are just remainders for the creators.
rm -rf formatfitting; mkdir formatfitting; identify -format '%P %f\n' *.jpg | grep '^500x375' | cp `awk '{print $2}'` formatfitting/
rm -rf selected; mkdir selected; ls ./formatfitting/* | gshuf -n 200 | awk '{print "cp " $1 " ./selected/"}' | sh
create image sprite and save each image in a csv (to be able to generate the mapping of geometry and pic)
montage -background transparent -tile 10x -format "%g,%p,%f\n" -identify -geometry -0-0 selected/*.jpg sprite.jpg > image-index.csv