BitTorrent search program for desktop and web. Collect and navigate over base of torrents statistic, categories, and give easy access to it. Work over p2p network and support Windows, Linux, Mac OS platforms.
- Works over p2p torrent network, doesn't require any trackers
- Supports own p2p protocol for additional data transfer (like search between rats clients, descriptions/votes transfer, etc.)
- Search over torrent collection
- Torrent and files search
- Search filters (size ranges, files, seeders etc...)
- Collection filters (regex filters, adult filters)
- Trackers peers scan supported
- Integrated torrent client
- Collect only statistic information and don't save any torrents internal data
- Supports torrents rating (voting)
- P2P Search protocol. Search in other Rats clients.
- Web version (web interface) for servers
- Top list (mostly common and popular torrents)
- Feed list (Rats clients activity feed)
- Translations: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese
- Drag and drop torrents (expand local search database with specific torrents)
- Descriptions association from trackers
- Torrent generation and automatic adding to search DB
- WebSockets & REST API for server/search engine. You can made search request and create your own UI client.
We are welcome any contributing: bug fixes, improvements, code refactoring and other stuffs.
Own strategy / Other tracker support
By default we recomended using desktop version of application. Download and install most recent one for Windows, MacOS, Linux.
Clone repository with submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Then make sure that you have Node.js and NPM (with Node.js) installed in your system, then install all needed packages:
npm install --force
and start master develop branch version:
npm start
Beside default desktop cross-platform client, also exist separated webUI that can run from server independant as web-client + Node.JS server.
Clone repository, then make sure that you have Node.js and NPM (with Node.js) installed in your system, then:
npm install --force
Then compile web version:
npm run buildweb
Finally start server application:
npm run server
Now you can get access to web interface on 8095 port: http://localhost:8095
More about server compatibility and known issues
API usage implementation for clients
You can simply run docker image with prepared server version. Just download last sources:
git clone --recurse-submodules
And build docker image & run:
docker build -t rats-search:latest rats-search
docker run -p 8095:8095 rats-search:latest
Now you can check the and open http://localhost:8095/ in browser
Support Rats Search development on OpenCollective
- Twitter: @RatsSearch
- Discord (Support)