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Expert system API to run decision trees developed with django and django-ninja


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Expert System Decision API developed with django and django-ninja

Key Features:

  • save different kinds of binary decision trees with versioning and explanations for each step (also see treeditor)
  • run one of your saved trees for an entity with the given information
  • receive the detailed path taken through the tree with the provided information
  • explain this path with the information embedded into your decision tree

Getting started


  • Python 3 according to Django requirements including pip and virtualenv:
    python3 --version // tested with 3.8.10
    pip3 --version
    python3 -m venv -h // outputs virtualenv help page
  • PostgreSQL (tested with version 14.8)

How to install and start the API

  1. clone this repo: git clone
  2. move into the root of the project: cd treexpert (in this folder the should be found)
  3. create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv env
  4. start the virtual environment: source env/bin/activate (Windows: source env/Scripts/activate)
  5. install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. migrate database: python migrate
  7. start development server: python runserver

After development deactivate the virtual environment with: deactivate

Start the app again? -> repeat steps 4 and 7


With the standard settings used above, the API can be explored at See Your first tree below for a detailed explanation about the different components of the software.

Usage with Docker

Prerequisites: Docker

Building the image yourself

  1. clone this repo: git clone
  2. move into the root of the project: cd treexpert (in this folder the should be found)
  3. run docker-compose up which will build the treexpert and pull the latest postgres Docker image, add a -d to your command if you don't want to see further output from the servers
  4. visit localhost:8000 (just as above) to see the API documentation

To stop the treexpert again, press Ctrl+C or run docker-compose down if you've used the -d option.

If you just want to build your own treexpert image without directly running it, you can use docker build -t treexpert:latest . to build according to the provided Dockerfile.

Using a pre-built Docker image

  1. load your image into Docker: docker load < treexpert.tar.gz
  2. use the docker-compose.yml here and replace the web: build: part with: image: treexpert:latest and remove the part web: volumes:
  3. start your treexpert and database with docker-compose up
  4. visit localhost:8000 (just as above) to see the API documentation

Automatically load data from seed when using Docker

  1. add a folder to the root of the project called seed
  2. add your seed files into this directory
  3. add the following code to the file after the migration:
echo "Load data from seed"

while ! python loaddata seed/ 2>&1; do
  echo "Data load is in progress"
  sleep 3
  1. build your treexpert docker image with: docker build -t treexpert:latest .
  2. start your treexpert again like above



This project uses the black formatter which will be installed with the requirements.


To run all tests in this project, go to the app root (the one with the in it) and run python test.

It is also possible to generate a test coverage report like it's done in the pipeline. To do this locally run the following commands from the project root:

  • coverage run --source='.' test
  • coverage report
  • coverage html

Now you should see a folder named htmlcov, open the index.html in there in your browser and explore the files that you would like to see the coverage for.

Dropping all tables

Sometimes during development dropping all tables in your database is required or useful. To do this use the commands below. Be careful not to drop something you still need!


Afterwards be sure to apply migrations (step 6 above) and optionally also load data from seed (python loaddata {/path/to/seed/file}).

Your first tree

The treexpert has three main components that play together to make a tree and evaluate it. The core app that contains the data types that are used in the tree app to build the nodes and leaves of a binary tree. The decision app uses both to evaluate the tree with given information about an entity.

Before creating a new tree (either by sending a request through the OpenAPI interface or with the treeditor) you need data types that are then used in the nodes of the tree to specify what kind of data is compared to the given information. Use the endpoint /api/core/datatype/new to create a new data type for your tree. For example, if you are creating a tree that answers the question "Is this a good YouTube video?", a data type for this tree could be the length of the video (INT as kind_of_data) or if the video contains controversial information (BOOL as kind_of_data). If you have a data dump from a previous instance of this API, you can also use the loaddata command from Django. More information about this, can be found here and here.

With your data types ready (check using /api/core/datatype/all), you can now create your tree. If this is the first tree of its kind, create a new tree kind using the /api/tree/kind/new. The id of your tree kind you receive as a response can now be used to feed your new tree to the API at the endpoint /api/tree/new/{kind_id}. If you didn't create a new kind, find your tree kind id using the endpoint /api/tree/kind/all.

Your tree needs to be a complete, binary tree meaning that all nodes have exactly two children. If you don't provide a complete tree it will be rejected by the treexpert API. While adding your tree to the treexpert at /api/tree/new/{kind_id} all elements (nodes and leaves) need a unique number. This number then is used to reference the connections between the elements. Here you can see an example of a small tree. Pay attention that you don't give the same number to a node and a leaf!

           1  <- root
          / \
node ->  2   3  <- leaf
        / \
       4   5  <- leaves

To then connect the tree properly, use these numbers for the root property of your tree (in this case 1) and the true_number and false_number properties of your nodes. The root node of our example above would look like this:

  "number": 1,
  "display_name": "Test Root",
  "description": "This is our root for the testing tree.",
  "data_value": 42,
  "comparison": "GT",
  "list_comparison": "ALL",
  "true_number": 2,
  "false_number": 3

The comparison of a node can be one of these four different kinds:

  • GT = greater than: your input should be greater than the provided value in data_value of this node
  • ST = smaller than: your input should be smaller than the provided value in data_value of this node
  • EQ = equal: your input should be the same as the value in data_value of this node
  • NE = not equal: your input should not be the same as the value in data_value of this node

When running your tree, you can also provide a list of values to be compared in a node. To specify if all of these provided values need to render true in the comparison you can provide a list_comparison method. This can be:

  • ALL = all values need to render true for the whole node to be true
  • ONE = one or more values need to render true
  • TWO = two or more values need to render true

For example, if the entity you're putting into the tree has [43, 51, 40] as the input for the root node above, the result of this node would be false. 43 and 51 meet the criterion to be GT the data_value: 42, but 40 doesn't. If the node's list_comparison method would be ONE or TWO, the result for this input would be true.

Tree Versioning

A tree can never be edited to make it possible to retrace the iterations of a tree at any given point in time. This means that if you create a new tree using an existing tree as the basis (=editing), this tree will get a new version. This version can be a new major version (1.0 becomes 2.0) or a new minor version (1.0 becomes 1.1).

Running your first tree

To now use your newly created tree, head over to the decision app of this software. There you can use the endpoint /api/decision/{fullresult} with the information you have about your entity. Sticking with the YouTube video example from above, a request would look like this:

  "data": [
      "data_type": 1, // referencing your first data type (length of video)
      "data_value": 150 // length of video in seconds
  "identifier": "title of video",
  "sec_identifier": "url of video"

With this you will get a response looking similar to this:

  "decision": {
    "identifier": "title of video", // as provided above
    "sec_identifier": "url of video",
    "version": "YouTube tree: 1.2",
    "is_preliminary": true,
    "description": "missing data at node: 1_1.2_N.2 for data type 2",
    "missing_data": 2,
    "node_missing_sth": "1_1.2_N.2"
  "criteria": [
      "id": "1_1.2_N.1",
      "input_value": 150,
      "result": true,
      "based_on": "1_1.2_N.2"

Since the is_preliminary flag is set to true and missing_data and node_missing_sth are set, this tells you that your tree needs more information to correctly run. The missing_data value shows you the id of the data type for which the information is missing. If you then also provide this information for data type 2 like above, your result could look similar to this:

  "decision": {
    "identifier": "title of video", // as provided above
    "sec_identifier": "url of video",
    "version": "YouTube tree: 1.2",
    "is_preliminary": false,
    "description": "This is an excellent video!",
    "result": true, // Overall answer to the question of your tree
    "leaf_id": "1_1.2_L.5"
  "criteria": [
      "id": "1_1.2_N.1",
      "input_value": 150,
      "result": true,
      "based_on": "1_1.2_N.2" // where did the result lead us to?
      "id": "1_1.2_N.2",
      "input_value": true,
      "result": false,
      "based_on": "" // no other node followed this, but the end leaf

Now the tree reached a result at the end leaf with the id 1_1.2_L.5. The criteria list provides you with all the information necessary to reconstruct the path through the decision tree. If you use {fullresult} set to true for this endpoint, you will see much more of the information from the tree that has been omitted here for clarity.


Distributed under the BSD-2 License. See LICENSE file for more information.


Paula Kammler - @codingpaula -


Gefördert im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts "IQexpert" durch das BMEL - Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft.

FKZ: 281C202B19

Mehr Informationen hier auf der Website des dfki.

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Expert system API to run decision trees developed with django and django-ninja








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