- 【🎉新增】 现在在程序崩溃时会弹出错误报告窗口
- 【🔨修复】 修复了安装/更新胡桃后首次启动可能会崩溃的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了会同时设置多个 Discord 状态的问题 #2024
- 【🔨修复】 修复了游戏公告第一行可能不会响应点击的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了国际服公告无法获取的问题 #2030
- 【🔨修复】 修复了 5.1 版本更新后解锁帧率可能无法生效的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了更新游戏无法正常完成的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了更新游戏窗口中安装进度可能超过 100% 的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了游戏资源预下载可能会卡住的问题 #2029
- 【🔨修复】 修复了游戏资源预下载完成时已完成标记可能不会显示的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了养成计算页面材料统计可能无响应的问题 #2014
- 【🔨修复】 修复了米游社手机验证码登录可能失败的问题
- 【✨优化】 在养成计算页面材料统计中新增了未集齐优先
- 【✨优化】 在养成计算页面材料统计中现在会显示今日可获取材料
Update Log
- [🎉New] Added an error report window that pops up when the program crashes
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where the program might crash on the first launch after installing/updating Snap Hutao
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where multiple Discord statuses could be set simultaneously #2024
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where the first line of the game announcement might not respond to clicks
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where international server announcements could not be retrieved #2030
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where unlocking the frame rate might not take effect after the 5.1 version update
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where game updates could not be completed properly
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where the installation progress in the game update window might exceed 100%
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where the game resource pre-download might get stuck #2029
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where the completion mark might not display when the game resource pre-download is finished
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where the material statistics on the cultivation calculation page might not respond #2014
- [🔨Fix] Fixed the issue where MiYouShe phone verification code login might fail
- [✨Optimization] Added "Priority for incomplete sets" in the material statistics on the cultivation calculation page
- [✨Optimization] Now displays materials that can be obtained today in the material statistics on the cultivation calculation page
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.11.3...1.11.4
如果你安装过程中出现问题,请阅读我们的 FAQ 文档以获取解决方案
If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions