- 【🎉新增】 新增德语/西班牙语/意大利语/泰语/土耳其语
- 【🎉新增】 成就和背包物品现在可以通过 Embedded Yae 从游戏中获取
- 【🎉新增】 养成计划新增清空背包物品 #2332
- 【🎉新增】 角色资料页面新增角色攻略 #1526
- 【🔨修复】 修复了可能同时启动两个胡桃实例的问题 #2368
- 【🔨修复】 修复了部分设备无法正确获取 Loopback 状态的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了用户服务未初始化完成时启动游戏可能无法正常使用米游社账号登录的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了无法通过网页缓存获取祈愿记录的问题 #2363
- 【🔨修复】 修复了实时便笺通知 UID 可能显示 Unknown 的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了深境螺旋不显示上下半效果的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了养成计划树脂预估可能导致崩溃的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了养成计划树脂预估数据可能溢出的问题 #2361
- 【✨优化】 引导页面现在会显示本地化来源
- 【✨优化】 优化了胡桃通行证相关对话框的操作逻辑
- 【✨优化】 实时便笺现在会在胡桃启动后自动刷新
- 【✨优化】 数据文件夹现在会默认存放在容器内,会随卸载而删除
- 【✨优化】 修改数据文件夹现在会自动复制数据到新目录 #1835
Update Log
- [🎉New] Added German/Spanish/Italian/Thai/Turkish languages
- [🎉New] Achievements and backpack items can now be obtained from the game via Embedded Yae
- [🎉New] Added clear backpack items feature in the Dev Plan #2332
- [🎉New] Added character guides on the character profile page #1526
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where two instances of Hutao might start simultaneously #2368
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where some devices could not correctly obtain the Loopback status
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where starting the game before user services were fully initialized might prevent logging in with MiYouShe account
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where wish records could not be obtained via web cache #2363
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the UID in real-time note notifications might display as Unknown
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the Spiral Abyss did not display the upper and lower halves correctly
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where resin estimation in the Dev Plan might cause a crash
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where resin estimation data in the Dev Plan might overflow #2361
- [✨Optimization] The guide page now displays localization sources
- [✨Optimization] Optimized the operation logic of the Hutao Passport related dialogs
- [✨Optimization] Real-time notes will now automatically refresh after Hutao starts
- [✨Optimization] The data folder will now be stored in the container by default and will be deleted upon uninstallation
- [✨Optimization] Modifying the data folder will now automatically copy data to the new directory #1835
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.13.0...1.13.1
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If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions