Based on official image on Docker Hub:
MySQL Community Edition, GPL License
MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management system (RDBMS). Data are organised into tables, tables have columns, entries are rows.
General example:
docker run -d --rm \
--name mysql
-p 33306:3306 \
Name | Value | Description |
Ports | -p 33306:3306 |
MySQL port |
Volume | -v $HOME/mysqldata:/var/lib/mysql |
Persist MySQL data |
Environment | -e MYSQL_DATABASE=mydatabase |
Initial database |
Environment | -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysqlrootpassword |
Root password |
Environment | -e MYSQL_USER=mydatabaseuser |
User username |
Environment | -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mydatabasepassword |
User password |
Run mysql client:
docker run -it mysql mysql
- use to connect to a remote MySQL host (
See environment variables: MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD. Run:
docker run -d --rm \
--name mysql
-p 33306:3306 \
-e MYSQL_USER=testuser \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=testpass \
Run mysql client with username (testuser) and password (promted: testpass) :
docker run -it mysql mysql -utestuser -p
Notes [1]:
- TLS is enabled by default, but when a client connects to MySQL server without providing proper TLS certificates, connection falls back to unencrypted one
- MySQL automatically generates cerificates at startup in its data dir: /var/lib/mysql: ca.pem, private_key.pem, server-key.pem
- you can use your own certs, if you specify them in /etc/my.cnf file: ssl-ca=/.../ca.pem, ssl-cert=/.../server-cert.pem, ssl-key=/.../server-key.pem
Fall back to non-TLS:
docker exec -it mysql-server mysql -p
mysql> status
mysql Ver 8.0.23 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
SSL: Not in use
docker exec -it mysql-server mysql -p --ssl-ca=/var/lib/mysql/ca.pem
mysql> status
mysql Ver 8.0.23 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
SSL: Cipher in use is ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
Users can be forced to use TLS [1]:
create user 'user'@'%' identified by 'pass' REQUIRE X509;
grant all privileges on *.* to 'user'@'%' identified by 'pass' REQUIRE X509;
flush privileges;
TLS with client authentication (user REQUIRE X509):
docker exec -it mysql-server mysql -p --ssl-ca=/var/lib/mysql/ca.pem --ssl-cert=/var/lib/mysql/client-cert.pem --ssl-key=/var/lib/mysql/client-key.pem
mysql> status
mysql Ver 8.0.23 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
SSL: Cipher in use is ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256