BOP toolkit is now tightly integrated into the the BOP writer:
Ground truth masks and coco annotations are now directly calculated when calling the BOP writer
Instead of using vispy for renderings the masks, we switched to pyrender which speeds up the process a lot
rendering/physics log is now hidded per default and instead a pretty progress bar is shown
upgrades to blender 3.3.1
its now possible to render segmentation images in stereo mode
adds method to MeshObject to convert to trimesh
fixes rendering on cpu-only (thanks @muedavid )
adds support for loading .glb/.gltf meshes (thanks @woodbridge )
adds support for loading .fbx meshes (thanks @HectorAnadon )
allows setting rotation for hdri backgrounds (thanks @saprrow)
incorporate location changes to urdf local2world matrix calculations
allows setting brightness for hdri backgrounds
now hides objects which could not be placed instead of deleting them
removes duplicate categories and fixes segmentation id when writing scene_gt.json annotations in BOP writer (thanks @hansaskov )
now returns a proper dictionary (thanks @andrewyguo )
replaces deprecated np.bool
with bool (thanks @NnamdiN )
refactoring of haven download script to support multithreading (thanks @hansaskov )
fixes loading stl files in urdf files
loading a .ply objects automatically sets the materials to its vertex color if no texture file was found.
username is now retrieved in a more platform independent way (thanks @YouJiacheng )
coco annotations are now nicely formatted (thanks @andrewyguo )
object pose sampler now correctly sets rotation if mode on failer was set to initial_pose
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