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DUNE WIB Firmware

Central repository for development of DUNE WIB firmware and software.

Read First

This project is based on PetaLinux 2020.1. This seems to build a flawed FSBL by default, so a 2019.1 derived FSBL is provided precompiled.

A detailed description of WIB firmware is located in wib_sim/doc/WIB_firmware.docx

Instructions for using WIB software are located in sw

Rudimentary instructions for setting up the timing interface to WIB are also below.

Additional information about the hardware can be found at the following links:


The WIB firmware is several different projects, including an Ultrascale+ firmware, a Linux kernel and distribution, and the software for the WIB.

Getting Started

  1. Install Vivado 2020.1
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Inititialize the wib_sim submodule with git submodule update --init
  4. Synthesize the Vivado project contained in the submodule wib_sim
  5. Follow remaining instructions to generate a linux system and bootable SD image for the WIB


  • The wib_sim project supplies the firmware implementation and Vivado hardware definition.
  • An older reference firmware is contained in reference_fw
  • A PetaLinux project to build the Linux system is in linux-*
  • The wib_server software and test utilities are in sw

Building from Scratch

Building the project is broken into stages:

  1. Generate the Ultrascale+ bitstream and hardware definition with Vivado
  2. Export hardware definition (.xsa) to the PetaLinux project for the WIB.
  3. Configure and build the PetaLinux distribution for the WIB.
  4. Create a bootable disk image for the WIB SD card boot mode.

If an earlier stage is modified, later stages typically need to be rerun.

Generate bitstream

  1. Generate bitstream in Vivado.
  2. Export bitstream .bit (File->Export->Export Bitstream File) to top level of this respository.

Quickly updating the bitstream

Consider using the FPGA manager included with the linux kernel on the WIB, which can load a bitstream on the fly. No further steps are required, though the FPGA manager loaded bitstream will not be persistent across power cycles.

  1. Copy your wib_top.bit to /lib/firmware/ on a booted WIB using e.g. rsync.
  2. Write "0" to the sysfs fpga_manager utility to prepare it for a new bitstream: echo "0" > /sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/flags
  3. Write the filename of your bitstream (really, a path relative to and within /lib/firmware/) to the fpga_manager utility, and it will be loaded onto the FPGA: echo "wib_top.bit" > /sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/firmware
  4. A message in the system log should confirm the bitstream was loaded. See Xilinx docs for more information.

Export hardware definition

Only necessary if block diagram has changed:

  1. Export hardware (File->Export->Export Hardware).
  2. Copy the generated .xsa to the top level directory in this repository.

Create PetaLinux system

PetaLinux 2020.1 is required to build the software for the root filesystem image and the kernel to boot the WIB.

You can either build the Docker image provided in linux-2020.1/petalinux-2020.1 and use that environment, or install the packages listed in the Dockerfile on a machine with PetaLinux 2020.1 already installed. See the container readme for further instructions.

Perform only step 5 if you only want to update the FPGA bitstream. The generated files can be copied to the SD card boot partition.

  1. cd into the linux-2020.1/ folder, which is a Petalinux project.
  2. For a new repository, or if block diagram has changed, run petalinux-config --get-hw-description=../ ensuring that the hardare definition ../*.xsa is up to date.
  3. petalinux-config will rewrite the u-boot configuration in a way that probably won't build. Consider reverting those changes with git checkout project-spec/configs/u-boot-xlnx/config.cfg unless you know what you are doing.
  4. For a new repository, any changes to the wib software, or if block diagram has changed, run petalinux-build to build the linux system and bootloader into images/linux/. This can take a long time, but caches build progress for future builds.
  5. Run ./ to generate required boot files (BOOT.BIN,image.ub,boot.scr in images/linux/) and a tar of the boot filesystem in images/linux/bootfs.tar.gz.

Creating/Updating boot media

The linux/ script uses mtools and losetup to create a rootfs.img file that can be copied to an SD card and boot the WIB.

  1. Ensure your BOOT.BIN and image.ub files are up-to-date and that petalinux-build has been run recently.
  2. cd into the linux/ folder.
  3. Run sudo ./ to create ../rootfs.img
  4. Assuming your SD card is /dev/sdX, run sudo dd if=../rootfs.img of=/dev/sdX bs=256M status=progress
  5. Run sync to ensure the data is written to disk.
  6. The SD card is ready to boot the WIB.

Alternative method: filesystem tars

The tar files bootfs.tar.gz and rootfs.tar.gz in images/linux/ can be used to populate preformatted boot media. The first partition must be marked bootable and be formatted with a FAT filesystem containing the bootloader, with the linux ext4 filesystem on a second partition

Alternative method: wib_client update

The wib_client can perform a full update of a live system running wib_server using its update command, which takes the filesystem tars as inputs.

Test drive the linux system with QEMU

With PetaLinux's QEMU one can test the boot process before deploying to hardware. This also provides an environment to test software on the linux system without hardware, but note that QEMU does not by default simulate the PL or even all of the standard Zynq Ultrascale+ hardware (e.g. ethernet).

You can either build the Docker image provided in linux/petalinux-2020.1 and use that environment, or install the packages listed in the Dockerfile on a machine with PetaLinux 2020.1 already installed. See the container for further instructions.

Initial setup

You will need a single file from the ZCU 102 Board Support Package (BSP) from Xilinx pmu_rom_qemu_sha3.elf which must be extracted to linux/pre-built/linux/images/ (you may need to create this directory).

You can find the BSP here:

This is really a .tar.gz archive, and the file is at: xilinx-zcu102-2020.1/pre-built/linux/images/

Booting with QEMU

From the linux/ directory, boot the image with:

petalinux-boot --qemu --uboot --qemu-args "-drive file=../rootfs.img,if=sd,format=raw,index=1"

QEMU will first launch uboot in a virtual Ultrascale+ device, which will read the provided SD card image ../rootfs.img and start the Linux kernel on the boot partition.

Additional options can be passed to QEMU with --qemu-args or directly to petalinux-boot to modify the simulated hardware.

Setting up the Bristol timing system

There are two versions of the timing system:

  • "legacy" system, which uses 312.5Mbps 8b/10b encoded data stream
  • duty cycle shift key (DCSK) system, which uses 62.5Mhz data stream, with 1/4 cycle representing 0 and 3/4 cycle representing 1

In both cases, the resulting recovered clock used inside WIB is 62.5MHz. However, only the DCSK system will be supported going forward. The VHDL code for the timing endpoint that is currently integrated into WIB is located here, and the tarball of source files used is located here. These source files were modified slightly:

  • The generic SKIP_DESKEW = true is set
  • UltraScale+ specific ODDRE1 and IRRDE1 are used.

These instructions are for using a "pc053d" custom timing master FMC, along with an Enclustra baseboard.

Software is installed on a CentOS machine.

Getting Started

  1. Install cvms (CERN VM Filesystem)
  2. Install DUNE-DAQ v3.1.1
  • source /cvmfs/
  • setup_dbt dunedaq-v3.1.1
  • dbt-create -c -n last_successful dune-daq-timing-dcsk (At the time of this writing, the latest version pulled was the 11 Aug 2022 release. Use dbt-create -l -n to list all nightly builds
  • cd dune-daq-timing-dcsk/sourcecode
  • git clone
  • cd timing
  • git checkout tags/"nocdr_integration/b0"
  • cd ..
  • dbt-workarea-env
  • dbt-build
  1. Load this bitfile on the timing master board. Make sure it is a rev "D" board, not rev "A".
  2. Connect to the timing board UART via micro-USB at 19200 baud, no HW flow control, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no partiy bits. Issue the following commands:
  • write
  • c0a8c810 This sets the IP address to
  1. Reboot the Enclustra board so the EEPROM write takes effect.
  2. Ping the above address to confirm connectivity.
  3. You may need to create a file called local.xml with the following contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<connection id="MST_FMC" uri="ipbusudp-2.0://" address_table="file://sourcecode/timing/config/etc/addrtab/v7xx/master_fmc/top.xml"/>
		<connection id="EPT_0" uri="ipbusudp-2.0://" address_table="file://sourcecode/timing/config/etc/addrtab/v7xx/endpoint_fmc/top.xml"/>
  1. Then issue the following commands:
  • dtsbutler -c local.xml io MST_FMC reset
  • dtsbutler -c local.xml mst MST_FMC synctime
  1. On the WIB, issue the command ./
  2. If everything is set up correctly, the serial port should print out status messages indicating EPT STATE: 0x8. This confirms the timing endpoint state machine is locked onto the data stream.
  3. To test timing transmission from WIB<->PTC, issue the command on the WIB ./ The same EPT STATE: 0x8 message should appear if the timing stream is correclty transmitted from PTC->WIB
  4. Then issue these commands on the timing master to test the transmission path back from WIB->PTC:
  • dtsbutler -c local.xml mst MST_FMC align toggle-tx <ept_adr> --on, where <ept_adr> is the 16-bit endpoint address (currently default 16'h0000 on WIB).
  • dtsbutler -c local.xml mst MST_FMC align measure-delay 0
  1. If everything is set up correctly, the timing master console will report a round trip time (RTT) in ticks of the 62.5MHz clock.