Proposal document for the CERN prototype detector and running.
Here is a quick start guide to using this repository. It presents just one way to do things.
The first steps is to ”clone
” the GitHub repository
$ git clone $ cd cern-prototype-proposal/ (edit files) $ git add yourfile.tex $ git commit -a -m "Some useful commit message"
From time to time you will want to ”pull
” contributions from others into your repository.
$ git commit -a -m "Some useful commit message" $ git pull
First, you will need a (free) GitHub account and to send the user name to Be sure to mention this repository.
To ”push
” your commits back to GitHub do:
$ git commit -a -m "Some useful commit message" $ git pull $ git push (enter user and password)
The ”pull
” is needed to first incorporate into your repository any changes that others may have pushed to GitHub since the last time you did a ”pull
If you get annoyed at using passwords all the time it is recommended that you use ssh keys but you can also cache your password.
A PDF of the documented is generated after recent commits and is available for download at: