🇨🇳我是一个来自中国的开发者。I am a developer from China.
🎉My personal homepage: dongge.org
Former mobile game developer transitioned to an app developer.
- 📱Developing iOS apps using Swift and Objective-C.
- 📡Building server APIs with the Vapor framework.
- 🧭Developing web applications with Vue and Nuxt.
- 🔌Proficient in WeChat Mini Programs, Alipay Mini Programs, and Baidu Mini Programs.
- 🚩Approaching ten years of experience in the industry.
The iOS debugging tool DDKitSwift has been released with the following built-in functions:
♥️ Collection of common iOS utilities ☞ DamonHu/DDUtils- 🐛 Log tracking ☞ DamonHu/logger
- 📶 Network ping detection ☞ DamonHu/HDPingTools
- 📱 FPS monitoring ☞ DamonHu/FPS
- 📂 Sandbox file browsing ☞ DamonHu/DDFileBrowser
- 📋 UserDefaults data management ☞ DamonHu/DDUserDefaultManager
- 🌐 Network request interception and inspection ☞ DamonHu/netfox-zxkit