Powershell script to copy files from memory card to folder on disk. By default the script will copy .NEF and .JPG files.
Default is to copy all new files. Nothing will be overwritten, inDir and outDir must be specified if other than default.
.\copy-images.ps1 -indir "e:" -outdir "c:\images" -today
.\copy-images.ps1 -indir "e:" -outdir "c:\images" -from "2015-01-01" -to "2015-02-28"
.NEF files will be placed in outdir\Raw with the same year/month/date structure as JPG files.
When set to true, create paths in outdir on the format \yyyy\mm\dd (year (4 digits)/month (2 digits)/day of month (2 digits)). This is the default behavior. Set to false if you want paths of format yyyy-mm-dd.
If you're taking JPG+RAW images when photographing it can be easy to go through the JPG files and erase bad images. Then this script can be used to delete RAW files belonging the manually deleted JPG files.
.\clean-raw.ps1 -jpgPath "c:\images\2015\06\30" -rawPath "c:\images\Raw\2015\06\30"
If c:\images\2015\06\30 is a folder where we have deleted bad images the corresponding raw files will be deleted from c:\images\Raw\2015\06\30.
Please be extremely careful when using this script
- Handle more raw file extensions
- Start cmdlet when memory card is inserted
- Handle more camera models if needed (tested with Nikon D40 and Sony RX100)
- Improve dry-run output
- Log to file as default
- Auto detect memory card path
- Remember input and output dir
- Config file for input/output dir