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Master's thesis in AI: Empirical Model Learning for constrained black box optimization

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Emlpirical Model Learning for Contrained Black Box optimization

Master's thesis in AI under the supervision of prof. Michele Lombardi and Andrea Borghesi.
Based on work: Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano, and Andrea Bartolini. Empirical decision model learning. Artificial intelligence, 244, 2017-03

This work employs a NN as surrogate model and embed it into a MILP prescriptive model which optimize an acquisition function.

  • PRO: the prescriptive model can be enriched with the domain constraints which guarantees that solutions are found in the feasible space.
  • CON: the solution search is way slower compared to other BBO techniques when dealing with problems with many high dimensional samples.


  • Start jupyter server: docker-compose up
  • Run all tests: docker-compose run development tests
  • Launch debug server on file: docker-compose run --service-ports debug <path_to_file>


from emlopt.search_loop import SearchLoop
from emlopt.problem import build_problem
from emlopt.wandb import WandbContext
from emlopt.config import DEFAULT

# Define the objecive function
def objective_function(x):
    value = f(x[0], x[1])
    return value

# Define the domain constraints
def constraint(backend, milp_model, x):
    return [ [x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 <= 1 , "constraint name"] ]

# Define the decision variable bounds and types
bounds = [[-5,5], [3, 10]]
types = ['int', 'real']

# Create problem object
problem = build_problem(
    "test function",

# Create search object
search = SearchLoop(problem, DEFAULT)

# Start the search

# OPTIONAL: Use the Weight and Biases context in order to log metrics and results
with WandbContext(WandbContext.get_defatult_cfg(), search):


Default configuraition object definition:

    "verbosity": 2,

    "iterations": 100,
    "starting_points": 100,

        "type": "stop_ci",
        "epochs": 999,
        "learning_rate": 5e-3,
        "weight_decay": 1e-4,
        "batch_size": None,
        "depth": 1,
        "width": 200,
        "ci_threshold": 5e-2,

        "type": "simple_dist",
        "backend": "cplex",
        "bound_propagation": "both",
        "lambda_ucb": 1,
        "solver_timeout": 120,
Field Domain Description
verbosity 0, 1, 2 set the amount of log to be produced
iterations positive integer the number of search steps
starting_points positive integer the number of initial samples
surrogate_model.type stop_ci, early_stop, uniform_noise the surrogate model training procedure
surrogate_model.epochs positive integer the max number of epochs
surrogate_model.learning_rate positive real the Adam learning rate
surrogate_model.weight_decay positive real the Adam weight decay
surrogate_model.batch_size positive int or None the batch size, None means single batch
surrogate_model.depth positive int the NN depth
surrogate_model.width positive int the NN width
surrogate_model.ci_threshold positive real the confidence interval threshold for the stop_ci surrogate model
milp_model.type ucb, simple_dist, incremental_dist, speedup_dist, lns_dist the milp solver model
milp_model.backend cplex, ortools the milp solver backend
milp_model.bound_propagation ibr, milp, both, domain the bound propagation algorithm
milp_model.lambds_ucb positive real the coefficient that balances UCB exploration/exploitation
milp_model.solver_timeout positive integer the milp solver timeout in seconds

Bound propagation

  • Interval Bound Reasoning: fast and coarse method to obtain preliminary bounds
  • MILP: compute per neuron bounds by maximizing/minimizing the pre activation value
  • Both: Performs IBR and then MILP
  • Domain: Like the 'both' method but integrates also domain specific contraints, resulting in a slower bound propagation that computes tighter bounds.


  • cplex: The IBM CPLEX MIL(Q)P solver. Can be used only for personal or accademic purposes.
  • ortools: The Google OrTools solver. Can be used without limits but cannot handle quadratic contraints, also is much slower than CPLEX.


  • tests: Contains the unit tests that validate the proper functionality of the EML library and the optimizaiton loop with both the backends.
  • experiments: Contains the script that launch the search on hard optimization problems while logging the results on Weights and Biases.
  • notebooks: Contains the notebooks for display easily the results.


The Dockerfile is configured to allow the remote debugging of the python code with VS Code. In order to run the debug server, open a shell inside the docker container, then cd tests and run ./launch_debug <fine_name>. Finally click on 'Remote debug attach' in the IDE.


Master's thesis in AI: Empirical Model Learning for constrained black box optimization






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