Build api with ginrester
This Example is about student and teacher at school.
- new student will go to school, like create a student
- you can find students who like basketball, and look for someone's information
- when someone transferred, it will be delete name at student book
- so as teachers
- Teacher has many students
go get
Embed ginrester.Model
in you code, like this
type Student struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Hobby string `json:"hobby"`
Age int `json:"age"`
Sex int `json:"sex"`
HeadTeacherId int `json:"head_teacher_id"` // set up a one-to-one connection with teacher
Embed ginrester.Controller
, and declare 3 func: model(), modelSlice(), Rester()
type StudentController struct {
//set up resource
func (action *StudentController) model() ginrester.ResourceInterface {
return &(model.Student{})
//for list result
func (action *StudentController) modelSlice() interface{} {
return &[]model.Student{}
//controller factory
func (action StudentController) Rester() (actionPtr *StudentController) {
return &action
simple and easy to create restful route.
ginrester.CreateRoutes(school, endpoint.StudentController{}.Rester())
Append arguments at last, if you want personal actions.
ginrester.CreateRoutes(school, endpoint.StudentController{}.Rester(), "create", "list", "info")
- now, you can create/update/list/findOne/delete student.
- you can create before/after function for create/update/delete student.
func (action *StudentController) beforeCreate(c *gin.Context, m ginrester.ResourceInterface) {
//valid data
func (action *StudentController) afterCreate(c *gin.Context, m ginrester.ResourceInterface) {
//log something
- field condition in url will work, if you want filter list.
e.g. List who like basketball: http://localhost:8080/school/students?hobby=basketball
##So as teacher. Create model, controller, route etc at the same way
- It's contain
, and declareparentController func
. - The resource teacher connect to student by field 'head_teacher_id', so we need declare
listCondition func
Default key is :id
, so it will confuse to get key's value at two level resource.
will help to create unique key
func (action *TeacherController) IsRestRoutePk() bool {
return true