The source code for the Write a Tumblelog Application with Flask and MongoEngine tutorial.
This tutorial will ignore the database part and the css styling options to limit the scope of the focus to the structure of the basic Python web framework.
###Download and installation
#####Easy Way (if you don't know git) On the right side of this page, click on the Download ZIP file. Extract the file and place it in your desired directory.
#####Better Way Use GIT.
####Installation cd into the root directory (of this project) and install the requirements of this project
pip install flask
pip install flask-script
pip install WTForms
pip install mongoengine
pip install flask_mongoengine
if this doesn't work use the following
sudo -i
pip install flask
pip install flask-script
pip install WTForms
pip install mongoengine
pip install flask_mongoengine
####Running Go to the tumbelog folder
Run the tumblelog:
python runserver
Goto: admin site username: admin password: secret