A web application designed using a robust and most popular python framework i.e Django. This webapp is capable of converting the long, wretched URL in short URL.
It is a robust, powerful and user-friendly web development framework in Python.
Built-in admin interface for easy content management. Rapid development with reusable components and templates. Robust ORM for seamless database interactions. Scalable and secure, perfect for building complex web applications. Extensive community support and a vast ecosystem of packages.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Set up a virtual environment and install the required packages from requirements.txt.
- Configure the database settings in settings.py.
- Run migrations using python manage.py migrate.
- Start the development server with python manage.py runserver.
- The apllication we hosted in your local domain
Please ensure that there are all the files and modules installed in your working directory for proper functioning of the application.
Hope you like it ;)!