This repository contains the official implementation of the project Toward Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Event-Triggered Control by Lukas Kesper, Sebastian Trimpe, and Dominik Baumann.
Clone the repo
Install the required packages.
- If conda has been installed, inside z_additionals there is the environment.yml file which can be used to obtain all the required packages. Thus, execute
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Otherwise, make sure that the python environment you want to use contains the packages depicted in the yaml file
We note that to install everything correctly, it might be necessary to install some of the packages manually.
- If conda has been installed, inside z_additionals there is the environment.yml file which can be used to obtain all the required packages. Thus, execute
Activate your Python environment. If conda has been used:
conda activate etc-nets
Install the components of this repository:
cd PATH_TO_THIS_REPO/baselines
pip install -e
Alternatively: run the manually
Install the modified Multiwalker environment
cd PATH_TO_PETTINGZOO/sisl/multiwalker/
Replace the scripts with the modified versions in z_additionals/modified_multiwalker
Short overview over the repo:
- baselines folder mainly includes the original OpenAI baselines repository, which has been slightly modified such that our algorithm can be trained
- train_results is the folder where results are going to be saved
- z_additionals contains several files:
- the exported conda environment
- it also contains the modified Multiwalker environment
For starting a training run, first select the algorithm you want to train:
Move to baselines/baselines/ppo1
Choose either our_algorithm or PPO_random_skip
Copy, and mlp_policy in the "ppo1" directory
To set parameters for the training process, change the input to the "learn" function in run_mujoco.
For training a model:
Navigate to baselines/baselines/ppo1 and open in terminal
python --seed 0 --app savename --num 3 --saves --wsaves --render
For loading a model:
Navigate to baselines/baselines/ppo1 and open in terminal
python --seed 0 --app existing_savename --num 3 --epoch 9999
Seed, app and num have to be identical to the version you want to load
Every run of a model creates files in train_results. There we include the scripts that were used to run the environment in the first place, as well as the evaluations for each agent, and averaged quantities for the group of agents.
This repository is based on prior work.
It extends the algorithm by N. Funk, D. Baumann, V. Berenz, and Sebastian Trimpe, "Learning event-triggered control from data through joint optimization," IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 2021 to multi-agent systems and as such uses their codebase.
It also contains parts of the OpenAI baselines repository inside the folder baselines. Inside this folder you can also find the corresponding license.
The implementation of our proposed hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm is based on prior work by Martin Klissarov et. al and their PPOC repository.