This project implements a simple interactive To-Do List web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can add tasks, mark them as complete, and remove them from the list. Tasks are stored locally using browser storage (localStorage).
- Add Task: Enter a new task and click "Add" or press Enter to add it to the list.
- Mark as Complete: Click on a task to mark it as complete, which strikes through the task text.
- Remove Task: Remove a task by clicking the trash icon next to it.
- Responsive Design: Supports desktop and mobile devices with a responsive layout.
- HTML: Structure and content of the web page.
- CSS: Styling the user interface and layout responsiveness.
- JavaScript: Logic for task management and interaction.
- LocalStorage: Stores tasks locally in the user's browser.
- Adding a Task: Type your task in the input field and press "Add" or Enter.
- Completing a Task: Click on the task text to mark it as complete.
- Removing a Task: Click the trash icon next to a task to remove it from the list.
- Responsive View: The application is responsive; try resizing your browser window or viewing on different devices.
- index.html: Main HTML file containing the structure of the web page.
- styles.css: CSS file for styling the user interface.
- script.js: JavaScript file for implementing task management functionality.
- images/: Directory containing icons used in the project.