The following program is a normalization system which helps to convert raw English tweets into (partially) normalized tweets, suitable for further NLP processing
- Python 2.7
- Chainer 1.7 (chainer)
- NLTK 3.0
- context2vec
- If not installed the NLTK Brown corpus will be downloaded when running the script
sh -f true arguments are:
• -c: path for context2vec model
• -i: path for the input raw tweets
• -o: path for the output file (optional)
• -f: use Damereau-Levenshtein fast computainon (optional, dafault=true)
$ sh -c context2vec.ukwac.model.package/context2vec.ukwac.model.params -i CorpusBataclan_en.1M.raw.tx -f true