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DavidJCobb edited this page Jan 7, 2019 · 14 revisions

Last updated: Jan 7 2019

Strings: we know UTF-8 is used for ESP-side Papyrus data, but what’s used when displaying strings in-game? If you pop a message box (or Debug.MessageBox) using, say, Chinese text, will you see mojibake, tombstone glyphs, empty space, or (somehow) the proper glyphs? (I can’t find Chinese glyphs in extracted UI font files.) We should test this; if the UI text encoding is per-language like in ESP files, that's something we may need to document. (Might it be something we can query?)

It's worth noting that for SkyUI, translation files must be encoded using UTF16 LE (aka UCS-2 LE) with BOM.

Look into adding a method to remove a single script-added entry from a leveled list.

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