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Development setup


First time setup

  1. Open your preferred command line and clone the repo using git clone
  2. Use your favorite terminal to navigate to the project folder (Where this readme file is)
  3. If you never used gulp run npm install gulp-cli -g. This is required to run gulp commands from the terminal.
  4. Run npm install to install all dependencies. This can take a few minutes.
  5. Run gulp to build the source files. This will compile and compress JavaScript and CSS files as well as images
  6. Now the project is set up. You can start it by using ./node_modules/.bin/electron . or install electron globally by using npm install electron -g and just run electron .


While developing you should run gulp watch. This will automatically compile files as they are saved as well as reload the electron instance (and a bunch of other cool stuff)


This project contains a very strict eslint config. Install an eslint linter for your favorite code editor to get code formatting and syntax error highlights. Gulp also outputs eslint messages to the console

Gulp tasks

All tasks that alter files in /src/ output to assets

Command Action
gulp styles Compiles /src/styles/main.sass
gulp scripts:lint Lints all scripts in /src/scripts/ except the vendor folder
gulp scripts Pipes all scripts in /src/scripts/ through babel and uglifies them. Also runs scripts:lint
gulp images Minifies all images in /src/images/
gulp vectors Moves all files in /src/vectors/
gulp data Moves all files in /src/data/
gulp fonts Moves all files in /src/fonts/
gulp watch Watches for file changes in the above folders and runs the respective task automatically when a file changes. The images task is excluded from this for performance reasons
gulp clean Deletes the /assets/ folder
gulp Runs styles, scripts, images, vectors, data and fonts after running clean
gulp pages:clean Deletes the /docs/ folder
gulp pages:generate Generates GitHub Pages structure by copying the /assets/ folder and index.html to /docs/
gulp pages Runs pages:clean and then pages:generate

Creating electron apps

The easiest way to create electron apps is with the node package electron-packager. Install it with npm install electron-packager -g.

Once installed you can build for all systems by using electron-packager ./ e-motion --all --overwrite --out=./builds