This project is no longer maintained, support still available
Somehow works,don't ask how...
My final year project is a Online Voting System focuses on security and usability of both voter and election candidate. This is the Administrative Client of voting system,with this web application ,you can:
- Create New Election
- Give permission to vote to users
- Analyze result
- Export result
- etc
We made this project simple and secure as much as possible as my limited knowledge. If you have any suggestion regarding the project security ,design or anything... feel free to open an Issue here.
Clone this repo by using below command
git clone
Go into project folder and
Copy and paste your firebase config here(could be obtained from Firebase Console).
Install Dependencies mentioned below.
After setting firebase and installing dependencies,
Open index.html
Here we can see a Login Page ,If you have alreday created databases and documents in the firebase (with in the same application in the config) there will be 7 admin names will be shown.Login with your username and password,if not there will be 'Admin1','Admin2, . . . ,'Admin7'.
If you are creating a new election environment ,there is a link in the bottom Create New Election Environment click it and create new 7 admins and it will create nessacery databases and documents in the firebase and back to login page there will be your Admin Names
After login you can create your elections,give permission to voters and all the features listed
After that your voters can vote through Voters Side Application
Voters Side Application is built and maintained by my fellow project member,here is its repo : Voters Side App