How to add functionalities to the CameraController. This example has a CustomCameraController class which starts in back camera mode and implements a toggleTorch method, The toggleTorch method will only work if the current device (camera) has a torch. Only the back camera has a torch.
To run the example
- Go to, #, create the project and the iOS app, copy the license key and paste it to ViewController.m (instead of your_license_key_goes_here string)
- Download the SDK from and copy the DeepAR.DeepAR.xcframework into custom-cameracontroller-ios-objc
- In the project settings select custom-cameracontroller-ios-objc under Targets and:
- Frameworks, Libararies and Embedded content add DeepAR.framework with Embed & Sign option selected
- Go to Build Phases and make sure DeepAR.framework is included in Link Binary With libraries and Embeded Frameworks sections
Run the project