A script to either DUMP, LOAD or MIGRATE a mysql database, in a highly parallelized manner. (i.e. very fast)
- DUMP will dump the source database files to disk.
- LOAD will load a MySQL database with the DUMP'ed files specified.
- MIGRATE will copy MySQL database(s) from one location to another. (fastest option, typically server to server)
You must specify either DUMP, LOAD or MIGRATE for an action
migrate_db.sh [options] [action (DUMP|LOAD|MIGRATE)] [database(s) (grep regex)] [table]
source mysql username to be used. current user is used if not specified.
source mysql password to be used.
destination mysql host. Used for MIGRATE action only.
source port to be used.
source socket file to be used.
source mysql database engine.
destination mysql user. Used for MIGRATE action only. current user is used if not specified.
destination mysql password. Used for MIGRATE action only.
destination mysql host. Used for MIGRATE action only.
destination source port to be used.
source socket file to be used.
destination mysql database engine.
max parrallel processes used. default is half your processors (best)
number of rows used to split up large tables. 400000 is the default.
base directory to store DUMPS. default is pwd. a directory is created with the current date and time in this dir to store the data
directory to LOAD a dump from. The directory should contain a directory per schema in it.
format of the data to be loaded or dumped. either SQL(default) or INFILE.
validate the number of rows on the source and destination. for MIGRATE option only.
validate tables match on source and destination using CHECKSUM TABLE. for MIGRATE option only.
If no database is specified, we migrate all databases. If no table is specified, we migrate all tables. (either 1 or all)
Dumping database Database8 to disk:
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar DUMP Database8
note: When this is run a directory is made using the current date and timestamp that contains all of the dump files for each schema
Dumping database Database8 to disk as tab delimited file for performing INFILE LOAD's later
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar --format=INFILE DUMP Database8
Load all databases from a dump directory:
./migrate_db.sh --dest_mysql_user=root --dest_mysql_pass=foobar --dest_host= --load_dir=/home/user/2014-05-14_09h55m45s LOAD
Load just Database8 database from a dump directory:
./migrate_db.sh --destination_mysql_user=root --destination_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_host= --load_dir=/home/user/2014-05-14_09h55m45s LOAD Database8
Migrating from one server to another using the MIGRATE option:
example of migrating all schemas and all tables:
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_user=root --destination_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_host= MIGRATE
Example of migrating all databases starting with Database12 and all tables for each
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_user=root --destination_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_host= MIGRATE Database12
Example of migrating all databases starting with Database12 and altering the database engine on the destination
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_user=root --destination_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_host= --source_mysql_engine=InnoDB --destination_mysql_engine=Deep MIGRATE Database12
note: both source_mysql_engine and destination_mysql_engine must be specified.
Example of migrating all databases starting with Database12 and only the Accounts table within them
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_user=root --destination_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_host= MIGRATE Database12 Accounts
Example of migrating a single table in a given schema (what you want for patching a single table).
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_user=root --destination_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_host= MIGRATE Database123 Accounts
Example of validating all databases that have been migrated via MIGRATE (row count and CRC check)
./migrate_db.sh --source_mysql_user=root --source_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_user=root --destination_mysql_pass=foobar --destination_mysql_host= --validate --crc MIGRATE