Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library written with pure Node.js (no bindings) - baked by Bluez via DBus
npm install node-ble
In order to allow a connection with the DBus daemon, you have to set up right permissions.
Create the file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/node-ble.conf
with the following content (customize with userid)
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<policy user="%userid%">
<allow own="org.bluez"/>
<allow send_destination="org.bluez"/>
<allow send_interface="org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1"/>
<allow send_interface="org.bluez.GattDescriptor1"/>
<allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"/>
<allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"/>
To start a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection you need a Bluetooth adapter.
const {createBluetooth} = require('node-ble')
const {bluetooth, destroy} = createBluetooth()
const adapter = await bluetooth.defaultAdapter()
In order to find a Bluetooth Low Energy device out, you have to start a discovery operation.
if (! await adapter.isDiscovering())
await adapter.startDiscovery()
Use an adapter to get a remote Bluetooth device, then connect to it and bind to the GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) server.
const device = await adapter.waitDevice('00:00:00:00:00:00')
await device.connect()
const gattServer = await device.gatt()
const service1 = await gattServer.getPrimaryService('uuid')
const characteristic1 = await service1.getCharacteristic('uuid')
await characteristic1.writeValue(Buffer.from("Hello world"))
const buffer = await characteristic1.readValue()
const service2 = await gattServer.getPrimaryService('uuid')
const characteristic2 = await service2.getCharacteristic('uuid')
await characteristic2.startNotifications()
characteristic2.on('valuechanged', buffer => {
await characteristic2.stopNotifications()
When you have done you can disconnect and destroy the session.
await device.disconnect()
This library works on many architectures supported by Linux. It leverages on Bluez driver, a component supported by the following platforms and distributions
Node-ble has been tested on the following environment:
- Raspbian
- Ubuntu
- 0.x - Beta version
- 1.0 - First official version
- 1.1 - Migrates to gh-workflows
- 1.2 - Upgrades deps
- 1.3 - Adds typescript definitions #10
- 1.4 - Upgrades deps
- 1.5 - Adds write options configuration
async writeValue (value, optionsOrOffset = {})
#20; Upgrades deps - 1.6 - Upgrades deps and removes some dependencies; migrates to npm; improves gh-actions
- 1.7 - Fixes compatibility issue #30; Adds JSdoc; Deprecates NodeJS 10 and 12; Upgrades deps;
- 1.8 - Upgrades deps and gh-actions os; Adds
func #45; - 1.9 - Upgrades deps; Adds
methods #47; Improves typescript definition #48 - 1.10 - Upgrades deps and gh-actions; Fixes memory leak #37; Makes MAC Address case insensitive
- chrvadala (author)
- pascalopitz
- lupol
- altaircunhajr
- derwehr
- mxc42
- tuxedoxt
- - method signatures follow, when possible, WebBluetooth standards
- - method signatures follow, when possible, WebBluetooth standards
- (noble fork)
Command | Description |
rm -r /var/lib/bluetooth/* | Clean Bluetooth cache |
hciconfig -a | Adapter info |
hcitool dev | Adapter info (through Bluez) |
d-feet | DBus debugging tool |
nvram bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior=never | Only on Parallels |