#Java TOTP Java class to generate steam two-factor authentication codes (TOTP), given a shared secred.
public String getsteamCode() {
SteamTOTP steam = new SteamTOTP(sharedSecret, identitySecret ,0);
try {
return steam.getAuthCode();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
return null;
#steamTOTP(sharedSecret, identitySecret, timeDiff) The class has to be instantiated with:
-- Your shared secret as aString
-- Your identity secret as aString
-- The time difference between the system clock and the Steam servers
Returns the 5-diget steam TOTP code, as a String
#getConfirmationKey(unixTime, tag)
-- The Unix time for which you are generating this secret. Generally should be the current time.tag
-- The tag which identifies what this request (and therefore key) will be for. "conf" to load the confirmations page, "details" to load details about a trade, "allow" to confirm a trade, "cancel" to cancel it.
Returns a string with a base64 confirmation key for use with the mobile confirmations web page.
#Thanks Thanks to DoctorMcKay for the node version, which this code is based upon. His implementation can be found here.