Get a webhook from patreon and ship it to discord
- Go to your server | Integrations
- Choose "New Webhook"
- Configure the webhook bot with a name and channel.
- Copy webhook url
- Use the
script with the url provided to test basic routing.
- Fork this repository.
- Edit the github action env files for the static metadata.
- Make a fine-grained personal access token.. Don't forget a reasonable expiry (1 year) and to provide it only repo scope on only the one repo that you need.
- In the repository settings > security > Secrets and variables > actions , you will need to make a number of variables and secrets
- Variables:
- DISCORD_MESSAGE = "Hwaet! A new chapter is out: "
- EPUB_AUTHOR = "Test Author"
- EPUB_TITLE_PREFIX = "Test prefix: "
- Secrets (when you know them):
- Variables:
- To ping a role with the discord message, use the following form
where roleid can be found in Server Settings > Roles > [meatball menu next to your specific role], copy roleID. So, in testwebhook, it looks like:-F 'payload_json={"content":"<@&271464313565347840> Here is a normal message", "attachments":[{"id":0, "description": "Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War by Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot", "filename": "AeroplanesAndDirigiblesOfWar.epub"}]};type=application/json' \
- To reply to a thread, find the threadID (meatball menu in the thread). To test this, call
To post to an extant thread, set the github action environment variableDISCORD_THREADID
Github, correctly, requires an access token to call its repository_dispatch webhook call. Thus, we need to launder the webhook call through an appropriate proxy.
# for webhookrelay -- The free service should be acceptable.
Under the request forwarding dropdown, select Functions and then create a new function, called
In editor, open composer, paste the following:
local json = require("json")
local request_payload, err = json.decode(r.RequestBody)
if err then error(err) end
local new_payload = {
event_type= "generate_epub",
client_payload= {
-- encoding
local encoded_payload, err = json.encode(new_payload)
if err then error(err) end
-- set header
r:SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
r:SetRequestHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json")
r:SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " .. cfg:GetValue("github token"))
r:SetRequestHeader("X-GitHub-Api-Version", "2022-11-28")
In config variables, make a variable
github token
and paste your github token as the value. -
In "Request forwarding"
- Choose "New", public endpoint, default input domain
- Do not run a function on the incoming request
- Route the request to:$GITHUB_REPO_OWNER/$GITHUB_REPO_NAME/dispatches
(Note owner and name should be of your fork) - Do Run a function before forwarding to destination. Choose the function you made above
Test the proxy url
Get a creator acess token
- Create a client at []. For the return URL use What we need is the access token. You will get the token after registering the oauth return. (We will not be using OAuth)
Get your campaign ID
export PATREON_TOKEN=<yourToken>
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $PATREON_TOKEN"
- Response will be something like
(We care about the id attribute.) - Validate the ID by
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $PATREON_TOKEN" "{campaignID}?fields%5Bcampaign%5D=creation_name"
- You will see something like
{"data":{"attributes":{"creation_name":"Just testing out an API interaction"},"id":"9758323","type":"campaign"},"links":{"self":""}}
- n.b. (The necessity of urlencoding of the brackets is a noted error
- You will see something like
Invoke the webhook-making-api call
- make
- Edit attributes uri, edit campaign id. No shell variables.
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $PATREON_TOKEN" -d '@patreonCreateWebhook.json' ""
- If you run it more than once, a get on the above without the post data will show how many, and
will remove extras. a GET to the above, without the -d will show all viable webhooks.
- make