MOPSY Search is a fast full-text search tool with a focus on simplicity and finding information quickly on large volumes of technical documents and regulations.
For a live Demo visit The Database contains some open access computer science books.
Install Docker and docker-compose.
Create a docker-compose.yml
based on the examples in the docker folder.
Download and unzip to ./solr_configset
docker-compose up
This will run the application and all nessesary dependencies in a docker environment.
I recommend developing in the configured docker environment. Using VSCode you can simply open the project in the Developement Container and all nessecary dependencies like solr, postgres and redis will be startet in docker.
npm install
npm run dev
Will run and expose
- backend on Port 4000
- react client on Port 3000
- Solr on Port 8983
- crawler on Port 5000
npm build