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Supported Applications

Dominik Riedig edited this page Jan 20, 2022 · 4 revisions

Supported applications

Application Dotfile type Maintained Works out of box* Dependencies Required extra steps
zsh XDG + Legacy ✔️ oh-my-zsh Install oh-my-zsh to ~/.local/share/dabs-repos/ohmyzsh
nvim XDG ✔️ Run command :PlugInstall
newsboat XDG ✔️ ✔️
sway XDG ✔️
i3 XDG ✔️ ✔️
polybar XDG ✔️ ✔️
tmux XDG ✔️ ✔️

"Maintained" means that I actively use this application with this configurations. If it is not maintained, I normally do not use this application anymore, but the (possibly outdated) dotfiles remain in this repository for everyone who uses the application anyway or for the case that I may return to the application.

* "Works out of box" means that after the dotfiles are "installed" (basically only copied over), no more steps are needed to enable or use the configuration. Note that installing the dotfiles with DABS or dotfiles-installer-meta may automatically execute required extra steps to make these dotfiles work out of box. See 3. DABS support for more info.

XDG-Directories vs legacy dotfiles

Welcome to one of the many keystones for a good linux rice: The dotfiles.

Some applications already use the official standard for XDG-Directories (e.g. ~/.config, ~/.local) while others sit as plain dotfiles in the users home directory, cluttering it with dozens of files. I mark the different configuration styles in the table above as follows:

  1. XDG: Fully uses XDG Directories. The corresponding configuration file is typically placed in ~/.config/application/config.
  2. Legacy: Does not use XDG as intended configuration customization. The file is typically placed in ~/.application.
  3. Custom: Uses an arbitrary configuration path that is somewhere inside the user's home directory. (e.g. ~/.mozilla for most Mozilla applications: Firefox, Thunderbird...)
  4. Global: Uses a global system directory (Mostly /etc/application/...). Inside this repository, these files are placed inside a special directory (.config/dd-global/...) and need to be copied over manually. (But there will be a script for that in the future!)
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