For ability implementations/interactions
Affects the Enemy Pokemon and/or Trainer AI
For issues/PRs related to graphics
Relates to the SFX or BGM
Tweaking specific gameplay elements
Only present on Beta (didn't make it into production [yet])
This PR blocks other PRs and should be prioritized
Part of an effort to ensure that moves/abilities/game features are functioning correctly.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
For issues from PKR that have been copied over
Related to GitHub (ie: PR or issue templates, workflows, etc)
Extra attention is needed
Provides or updates translation efforts
Changes that don't fit under any other label
For move implementations/interactions
Mystery Encounters and related work
Completely gamebreaking bugs or ones that would have catastrophic effects
Major bug. Used for when a specific move/ability/interaction causes the game to softlock or crash.
Minor bug. Used for when a move/ability/interaction is incorrect but is not game breaking.
Non gameplay affecting bug. Used for typos, graphical issues, or other minor incorrect interactions.
Further information is requested
Addresses security issue/s