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A lightweight yet powerful batch script that automates temp file cleanup, disk maintenance, and system optimization. Features an interactive menu, admin privilege handling, and fast execution. Portable & efficient!


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Made with β€οΈπŸ’» by DevBubba

πŸš€ γ€’ Rocket Cleaner

A lightweight yet powerful batch script that automates temp file cleanup, disk maintenance, and system optimization. Features an interactive menu, admin privilege handling, and fast execution. Portable & efficient!

🌐 γ€’ Table Of Contents

πŸ”° γ€’ Features

  • Uses Built In Windows Functions🟒
    • Leverages native Windows commands (disk cleanup, disk check, and defragmenter) to perform system maintenance.
  • Functional Temp Cleaner With Chrome Support🟒
    • Cleans temporary files including those related to Chrome.
  • Admin Privilege Handling🟒
    • Checks for administrative rights and relaunches with elevated privileges if necessary.
  • User Interface (Menu-Based System)🟒
    • Presents an interactive menu with options for different cleaning and maintenance tasks.
  • Auto Update (Version Control)🟒
    • Automatically checks for & installs the latest version.
  • Fast Execution🟒
    • Designed to perform tasks quickly with minimal overhead.
  • Portable🟒
    • Does not require installation and can run from any location.
  • Executable Version (.exe)🟑
    • Compiled an executable version for easier distribution and usage.
  • More Options🟑
    • Future expansion to include additional maintenance tasks.
  • Clear All Browser Cache🟑
    • Planned feature to extend cleaning to all major browsers.
  • Works On Other Devices Other Than WindowsπŸ”΄
    • Currently designed and made exclusively for Windows environments.
🟒 = Working | 🟑 = To Do | πŸ”΄ = Not Working

πŸ’» γ€’ Prerequisites

  • Windows 10 or later.
  • Administrator privileges (required for system maintenance tasks).

πŸ“₯ γ€’ Install

  1. Download
    • Clone this repository:
      git clone
    • Or download the latest release here.
  2. Running Rocket Cleaner
    • Locate RocketCleaner.bat in the project folder.
    • Right-click and select "Run as administrator" to ensure full functionality.
    • Follow the on-screen menu prompts to clean your system.

πŸ”§ Optional: Moving the Executable and Creating a Shortcut

You can remove the extra repository files if you wish to run Rocket Cleaner from a preferred directory. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Remove Unnecessary Files:

    • Move RocketCleaner.bat (and any other necessary configuration files, if applicable in the future) to your preferred directory.
    • You may delete the remaining repository files if they are not needed for your use.
  2. Create a Desktop Shortcut:

    • Manual Shortcut:

      • Right-click the relocated RocketCleaner.bat file and select Create Shortcut.
      • Drag the shortcut to your desktop (or any preferred location).
      • Right-click the shortcut, choose Properties, click the Shortcut tab, then the Advanced button, and finally check Run as administrator.
    • Automated Shortcut (Optional Script):
      You can also create a simple batch script to automatically create a desktop shortcut. Save the following as create_shortcut.bat or any other applicable name in the same folder as Rocket Cleaner.bat and run it:

      @echo off
      set "TARGET=%~dp0RocketCleaner.bat"
      set "SHORTCUT=%userprofile%\Desktop\Rocket Cleaner.lnk"
      powershell -Command "$s=(New-Object -COM WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('%SHORTCUT%');$s.TargetPath='%TARGET%';$s.WorkingDirectory='%~dp0';$s.Save()"
      echo Shortcut created on Desktop. Right-click the shortcut, go to Properties, and set 'Run as administrator' if needed.

❓ γ€’ FAQ

  • Q: How often should I run Rocket Cleaner?
    A: It's recommended to run Rocket Cleaner periodically, depending on your usage. If you're using many applications or browsing the web frequently, you may want to run it weekly to keep your system optimized.

  • Q: Does Rocket Cleaner delete my personal files?
    A: No, Rocket Cleaner only removes temporary system files, browser cache, and other files that can safely be deleted. It does not delete any personal files, documents, or photos.

  • Q: I ran Rocket Cleaner without admin rights, and some features didn't work. What should I do?
    A: Certain features require admin privileges (e.g., disk cleanup and defragmentation). Make sure to right-click and select "Run as administrator" when launching Rocket Cleaner to ensure full functionality.

  • Q: How do I disable the auto-update feature?
    A: Currently, the auto-update feature is built-in. If you wish to disable it, you can modify the script, but it's recommended to keep it enabled to ensure you're always using the latest version with improvements and fixes.

  • Q: Can I use Rocket Cleaner on my Mac or Linux system?
    A: Rocket Cleaner is designed exclusively for Windows. Future versions may support other operating systems, but for now, it is Windows-only.

πŸ“· γ€’ Preview

πŸ“ γ€’ Notes

  • The auto-update feature requires an active internet connection to check for the latest version.
  • Running the script without admin privileges may limit functionality.
  • Some features, like defragmentation, may take longer depending on the system's state.
  • The desktop file fixer will be reintroduced once stability improvements are made.

πŸ“š γ€’ Changelog

  • All notable changes and updates to Rocket Cleaner (this project) will be carefully documented in the Changelog. This includes bug fixes, new features, improvements, and any other modifications made to the software, providing you with a comprehensive history of the project’s evolution. Be sure to check the changelog regularly to stay informed about the latest developments.

❌ γ€’ Bugs Or Errors?

  • Report a bug, issue, or error on the Issues Page.
  • Join the Discord for community support, direct contact, or helpful advice.

⚠️ γ€’ Disclaimer

  • Use Rocket Cleaner at your own risk. While it is designed to improve your computer’s performance, please be aware of the changes it may make to your system. The developer cannot be held accountable for any unintended outcomes.

🀝 γ€’ Code Of Conduct

  • The Code of Conduct outlines the expected behavior for contributors and users of Rocket Cleaner. We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. Please review and adhere to it.

🧾 γ€’ License

  • Rocket Cleaner is distributed under the MIT License, granting you permission to use, modify, and distribute the software. Please review the license for detailed terms and conditions before proceeding.

πŸ› οΈ γ€’ Contributing

We welcome contributions! If you'd like to help improve the project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository

    • Click the "Fork" button on GitHub to create your copy of the project.
  2. Clone Your Fork

    • Use the following command to download your forked repository:
      git clone  
  3. Create a Branch

    • Run the following command to create a new branch for your feature or fix:
      git checkout -b feature-name  
  4. Make Your Changes

    • Implement your changes while ensuring they align with the project's goals.
  5. Test Thoroughly

    • Verify that your modifications do not introduce any issues.
  6. Commit & Push

    • Commit your changes with a meaningful message and push to your forked repository:
      git commit -m "Description of changes"  
      git push origin feature-name  
  7. Submit a Pull Request

    • Open a pull request on GitHub for review and approval.

πŸ“œ Contribution Guidelines

  • Keep your code clean and well-documented.
  • Ensure compatibility and maintain fast execution.
  • Follow the existing coding style for consistency.
  • Discuss major changes in a Discussion or Issue before submitting a pull request.
  • Please review our Code of Conduct before contributing.


A lightweight yet powerful batch script that automates temp file cleanup, disk maintenance, and system optimization. Features an interactive menu, admin privilege handling, and fast execution. Portable & efficient!




Code of conduct


