- All migrations should be revertable and tested that down method works properly before push to the repository
- Inrevertable migrations should give warnings but do not stop migration process
- Any changes to the migration files can be done only before push to the origin. After each push CI starts new build. All changes which were made after push to origin wont have any affect on staging/CI servers
- Any data operations in migrations MUST use unscoped queries or raw SQL to prevent any DB version incompatibility
- Model inclusions
- Attribute protection: attr_accessible
- Associations
- Class-Level Method Invocations (acts_as_list, etc.)
- Scopes (default_scope, then named scopes)
- Callbacks in invocation order
- Any attr_accessor declarations
- Validations
- Class methods
- Instance methods (starting with to_s, to_param)
- Use DJ to send emails in the background
- All texts, links, notes and emails should be implemented using Rails i18n built in capabilities
- All models mush have translated name under activerecord.models.<model_name> section
- All human readable attributes for any model must be defined under activerecord.attributes.<model_name> section
- I18n translation keys should be in symbols
- Any of the gems, which are planned to be added to the Gemfile should be aggreed with tech lead before
- All gems provided in Gemfile should have version requirement. For most cases this shoudl be major version requirement: for instance ~>3.0. In outstanding cases one should use exact version: for instance =3.0
- Each implemented story should have acceptance test covering all accepptance criterias provided in spec
- Use FactoryGirl.build(:company) instead of Company.new(FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:company)) since some factories might have after_build callback
to run preloaded rails env and speed rspec run. Note that therake
command per se loads the whole rails env, so to run tests using spork preloaded rails env userspec spec
command -
to run test instantly, triggered by project changesWARNING: Autotest does not replace whole test suite run after pull/push to origin flow
- Mass-assignment is disabled by default. All public fields accessible by user should be listed in attr_accessible class method of model
- [Rebase][1] is prefered over merge. There should not be any merge commits in the master branch. [1]: http://www.randyfay.com/node/91
These criteria need to be fulfilled for the story to be marked as "completed" in Pivotal.
- The story is implemented and tests are created
- The story passes the acceptance tests
- The story does not increase the "technical debt"
- The story was integrated into the overall system
- The story was successfully deployed to the staging environment
- The story was accepted by the product owner