Online voting system is a web application which is developed to conduct election process through internet. This application is made in PHP and MySQL.
- Voter Registration
- Voter Authentication
- Voter Dashboard - Voter can see his profile info, voting + status, and list of groups
- Voting - Voter can choose to vote to anyone group listed in his dashboard
- Group Registration
- Group Authentication
- Dashboard - Group can see its profile info, voting status, and list of groups
- Voting - Group can choose to vote to anyone group listed in his dashboard
- Front-End - HTML & CSS
- Back-End - PHP
- Database - MySQL
Start the app
- Download the project file and unzip it on desktop
- Open the file and copy Project folder and paste it into xampp/htdocs/
- Open XAMPP Control Panel, and Start Apache and MySQL
- Make sure that Apache and MySQL is started properly
- Download the project file and unzip it on desktop
- Open XAMPP Control Panel, and Start Apache and MySQL
- Click on Admin button on right side of MySQL
- Create new database with name online-voting-system
- Import online-voting-system.sql from Project/db_file/