- Author assumes zero liability for any data loss or misuse of pimpmykali
- Baremetal installations are unsupported
- WSL/WSL2 installations are unsupported
- Menu breakdown added below revision history
- Script is now be executable upon clone (perms: 755 rwxr-xr-x added to github)
- There is no need to chmod +x pimpmykali.sh upon git clone
# Remove existing pimpmykali folder
rm -rf pimpmykali/
# Clone pimpmykali repository & enter the folder
git clone https://github.com/Dewalt-arch/pimpmykali
cd pimpmykali
# Execute the script - For a new Kali VM, run menu option 'N'
# (The script must be run with root privileges)
sudo ./pimpmykali.sh
# Use --auto command line arg to bypass the menu and prompts
# Use --help for full list of available command line args
- Crazy_Man - https://github.com/The-Crazy-Man
- Andro
- Yaseen - https://github.com/AhamedYaseen03
- Crazy_Man - https://github.com/The-Crazy-Man
- blindpentester https://github.com/blindpentester
- pswalia2u https://github.com/pswalia2u
- Alek https://github.com/wodensec
- Gr1mmie https://github.com/Gr1mmie
- Aksheet https://github.com/Aksheet10
- 0xC0FFEE VirtualBox Home Lab Build (updated link!) https://benheater.com/building-a-security-lab-in-virtualbox/
- TheMadHuman https://github.com/TMH-Sec
- Aashiksamuel https://github.com/aashiksamuel (sublime install fix)
- m4ul3r
- lbalmaceda https://github.com/lbalmaceda 1
- ip3c4c_n00b https://ip3c4c.com/2202_homelab_vmware/
- added arch check to function
- if arch = arm64 exit
- if arch = amd64 continue
- updated DOWNLOAD_URL variable
- updated install_pip2_modules function
- updated install_old_impacket function
New additions and feature requests
- Menu option verification before execution
- on screen notification of which menu option is selected
- y or Y to continue
- n or N returns to main menu
- speedrun variable to bypass menu and prompts
- --auto command line switch, uses speedrun var
- set speedrun var to 1
- bypasses menu and prompts
- --autonoroot command line switch, uses speedrun var
- set speedrun var to 1
- bypasses menu, prompts, and enable root login
- exit status checks on most all functions
- check done via case statement
- updated package installed lookup uses apt-cache
- speed improvement
- updated --help menu with new command line switches
- --bloodhound, --netexec, --cme, and many others
- use --help to view list and descriptions
- waybackrust
- installs to /usr/bin/waybackrust
- included in fix_missing
- command line switch --wayback
- plumhound
- installs to /opt/PlumHound
- symlinks created /usr/local/bin/PlumHound.py and /usr/local/bin/plumhound
- included in fix_missing
- command line switch --plumhound
- default to python3 and pip for python3
- python2.7 symlinked to /bin/python2
- pip2 installed to /usr/bin/pip2
- setup_binfmt_mount
- checks for kernel module binfmt_misc, loads module if not loaded
- checks /etc/fstab for binfmt_misc entry, appends to fstab if not found
- checks for binfmt_misc mount point, mounts if not mounted
- command line switch --binfmt
- setup_binfmt_winexe
- checks /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc for DOSWin
- creates /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/DOSWin if not found
- installs wine
- command line switch --binfmt-winexe
- Menu option verification before execution
Added functions
- update_linux_headers
- check for linux-headers installed after only_upgrade function
- ensures if new kernel is installed during only_upgrade linux-headers are installed
- is_installed, is_installed_remove, is_installed_reinstall
- reduce redundant code, exit status checks
- install_pip2
- install pip2 if not already installed
- /usr/bin/pip2
- install_pip3
- install pip3 if not already installed
- /usr/bin/pip
- install_pipx
- install pipx
- pipx ensurepath
- install_pip2_modules
- install required pip2 modules for older tooling
- install_pip3_modules
- check for required modules, install if not installed
- check_dmidecode function
- used in check_vm function
- update_linux_headers
Updated functions
- make_rootgreatagain updated with speedrun var
- if --auto is used, bypass menu
- only prompt to set root password
- moved make_rootgreatagain to the earliest part of the script
- fix_sead_warning, fix_impacket_array, install_old_impacket
- install impacket 0.9.19 side by side with impacket latest
- python3 and pip for python3 as default
- pip2 for python2
- command line switch --nukeimpacket
- uses speedrun var
- bypasses prompts
- fix_cme
- installs from kali repo
- fix_netexec, fix_nxc_symlinks
- installs from github
- fix_seclists
- installs from kali repo
- fix_smb
- checks for client min protocol = lanman1
- fix_golang is now install_golang
- check_vm
- ensure linux-headers are installed
- calls update_linux_headers after apt upgrade
- fix_virtualbox
- install additions for detected virtualbox version on hostos
- fix_gowitness
- always get latest release from github
- installs additional dependencies
- fix_pyftpdlib
- updated for python3
- make_rootgreatagain updated with speedrun var
Replaced functions
- python_pip_curl replaced with install_pip2
- fix_pipxlrd, fix_python_requests replaced with install_pip2_modules
Removed functions
- check_chrome, function was integrated with fix_chrome
Updated Menu items
- Menu option N, removed apt upgrade from function
- only menu option 9 or --upgrade will run an apt upgrade
- updated menu option 5 - Install Impacket
- function will install Impacket latest from kali repo
- Reduced overall number of menu items by using command line --args
- Menu option N, removed apt upgrade from function
Updated TCM Security course setup installations
- Practical Bug Bounty
- C# 101 for Hackers
- Hacking IoT
- PEH WebLabs
- Hacking API
Removed deprecated courses
change history before 2.0.0 moved to changelog.txt
All menu options will require confirmation after selection
- Y or y to continue
- N or n to return to menu
Menu option N (New Users/New VM's Should start here!)
- executes menu option 0 fix all ( options 1 thru 8 )
- command line switch: --newvm
Menu option = Pimpmykali-Mirrors (rev 1.3.2)
- obtain kali mirror list and process
- round-trip-time ping test to all mirrors, select top 10 with shortest rtt
- small download >1MB from the top 10 mirrors, select top 5 fastest transfers
- large download 10MB test the final 5 mirrors, select fastest transfer
- generate new /etc/apt/sources.list with the new selected mirror
- prompt Y or N to write new changes to /etc/apt/sources.list
- Y writes changes /etc/apt/sources.list
- create backup of original sources.list in /etc/apt/sources.list_date_time
- write new deb and deb-src lines with new mirror to /etc/apt/sources.list
- N exits and makes no change to /etc/apt/sources.list
- Y writes changes /etc/apt/sources.list
- command line switch: --mirrors
Menu Option ! - Nuke Impacket
- installs impacket 0.9.19 side by side with impacket latest
- pip3 as default
- /usr/bin/pip
- python3 as default
- /bin/python
- python2
- /bin/python2
- pip2 installed via curl
- /usr/bin/pip2
- pip2 modules installed for impacket 0.9.19
- command line switch: --nukeimpacket
Menu Option @ - Install Nessus (amd64 or arm64)
- downloads and installs the current version of Nessus
- starts nessusd service
- command line switch: --nessus
Menu Option $ - Uninstall Nessus (amd64 or arm64)
- stops all nessusd service
- uninstalls nessus
- command line switch: --nukenessus
Menu Option 1 - Fix missing
- fix_sources
- uncomment #deb-src from /etc/apt/sources.list
- setup binfmt_misc mount in /etc/fstab
- mount binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
- fix .hushlogin
- install libwacom-common if not installed
- check if linux-headers is installed
- check if dkms is installed
- set ssh for wide compatibility
- disables power management
- xfce
- gnome
- blacklists pcspkr kernel module
- /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf
- installs if not installed
- amass
- assetfinder
- bloodhound
- chisel
- crackmapexec
- docker-compose from github
- enumforlinxu
- enumforlinux-ng
- flameshot installed
- ffuf
- gedit installed
- gedit display fix applied
- ghidra
- adds ghidra dark theme
- gobuster
- gowitness latest from github
- golang
- adds golang GOPATH to .bashrc and .zshrc
- google-chrome
- htop
- httprobe
- linpeas/winpeas from github
- /opt/winpeas
- /opt/linpeas
- locate
- mitm6
- nextexec from Pennnyw0rth github
- creates symlinks in /usr/local/bin
- neo4j
- plumhound
- proxychains
- pyftpdlib for python3
- python3-pip installed and set as the default pip
- /usr/bin/pip
- python2 pip via curl
- /usr/bin/pip2
- python3 is the default
- /bin/python
- python2
- /bin/python2
- installs python2 modules for older tooling
- setuptools
- importlib
- flask
- ldap3==2.5.1
- pycryptodome
- xlrd==1.2.0
- scapy==2.4.0
- colorama
- termcolor
- service-identity
- requests==2.2.1
- rockyou
- gunzip /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.gz
- seclists
- set (social engineering toolkit)
- spike
- sqlmap
- sshuttle
- vscode
- common vscode extensions
- waybackrust
- wfuzz
- command line switch: --missing
- fix_sources
Menu Option 2 - Fix smb.conf
- checks for in /etc/samba/smb.conf
- client min protocol = LANMAN1
- command line switch: --smbconf
- checks for in /etc/samba/smb.conf
Menu Option 3 - Install Golang
- Installs golang
- checks for GOPATH in .bashrc and .zshrc
- if GOPATH is found, adds nothing
- if not found, adds GOPATH statements to both .zshrc and .bashrc
- command line switch: --golang
- Installs golang
Menu Option 4 - Fix Grub
- adds mitigations=off to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
- command line switch: --grub
Menu Option 5
- Installs latest impacket from kali repo
- command line switch: --impacket
Menu Option 6 - Enable root login
- installs kali-root-login
- prompts for root password
- copy /home/kali/* to /root prompt (1.1.2)
- prompt are you sure? to copy /home/kali to /root prompt (1.1.3)
- command line switch: --root
- installs kali-root-login
Menu Option 7
- fix_dockercompose
- installs docker.io from kali repo
- check if docker compose is installed or not
- if not installed, install latest from github
- if installed, check local version vs github version
- install newer version if found
- Menu option 7 is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
- command line switch: --dockercompose
- fix_dockercompose
Menu Option 8 - Fix Nmap
- wget nmap script fixes
- clamav-exec.nse
- http-shellshock.nse
- included in fix_missing
- command line switch: --nmap
- wget nmap script fixes
Menu Option 9 - Pimpmyupgrade
- ensure linunx-headers are installed before and after apt upgrade
- Hypervisor detection (vmware, virtualbox, qemu/libvirt)
- installs additions for detected version of virtualbox on hostos
- virtualbox shared folder fix applied
- command line switch --upgrade
Menu Option 0 - Fix all (1-8)
- Executes ONLY Menu options 1 thru 8
- command line switches:
- --auto
- bypasses menu
- enables root login
- only prompt is to set the root account password
- --autonoroot
- bypasses menu
- bypasses prompts
- bypasses enable root login
- --all
- bypasses menu
- bypasses enable root login
- has all prompts
- --auto
Menu Option A
- Setup for Mobile Application Penetration Tester course
- command line switch: --mapt
Menu Option B
- Installs labs for TCM Practical Bugbounty course
- command line switch: --pbb
Menu Option C
- removed, see --chrome command line switch
- is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
Menu Option D - Fix Gedit Connection Refused
- removed see --gedit command line switch
- install gedit
- Apply gedit unable to open display as root fix
- is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
- removed see --gedit command line switch
Menu Option E
- Install TCM PEH Course WebApp Labs, docker
- command line switch: --pehweblab
Menu Option F
- removed see --brokenxfce command line switch
- Fixes XFCE Broken Icons "TerminalEmulator" Not Found
- Fixes XFCE Open Catfish instead of Thunar
- removed see --brokenxfce command line switch
Menu Option G
- removed see --ghidra command line switch
- is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
Menu option H - Fix httprobe
- removed see --httprobe command line switch
- is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
Menu Option I
- removed see --mitm6 command line switch
- is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
Menu Option J
- none
Menu Option K
- Reconfigure Keyboard, Language and Layout + Variant
Menu Option L
- removed see --sublime command line switch
Menu Option M
- none
Menu Option N
- listed above at the top
Menu Option O - Practical API Hacking Course
- Practical API Hacking course setup
- amd64 and arm64 aware
- root user and normal user aware
- installs docker.io docker-compose
- docker service is enabled
- installs postman to /opt/Postman/Postman
- symlink is created for /opt/Postman/Postman at /usr/bin/postman
- cleanup.sh script created
- installs crAPI to $HOME/labs
- command line switch: --api
Menu Option P
- Download all the peas from github
- linpeas to /opt/linpeas
- winpeas to /opt/winpeas
- Download all the peas from github
Menu Option Q
Disable Power Management function moved to Menu options 0, N or 1
- Detect desktop environment
- Gnome
- Disable power management
- is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
- Detect desktop environment
Menu Option S - Fix Spike
- removed see --spike command line switch
- Fixes undefined symbol error thrown when using generic_send_tcp
- is included in Menu options 0, N or 1
- removed see --spike command line switch
Menu Option T
- Reconfigure Timezone
Menu Option U
- Install Netexec (nxc)
- command line switch: --netexec
Menu Option V
- Install MS VSCode
- command line switch: --vscode
Menu Option X
- exit pimpmykali.sh menu
Menu Option Y
- Andrew B's IoT and Hardware Hacking Course Setup
- install dependencies sigrok xxd zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev liblzo2-dev
- clone sasquatch to /opt/sasquatch
- patches sasquatch with M1-Kali.patch.txt
- builds patched sasquatch
- installs to /usr/local/bin/sasquatch
- calls fix_ghidra function to install ghidra from github
- installs ghidra dark theme to /opt/ghidra-dark-theme
- command line switch: --iot
- Andrew B's IoT and Hardware Hacking Course Setup
Menu Option Z
- Install course requirements for Alex T's C# 101 for Hackers
- installs vscode
- installs vscode course extensions
- installs dotnet, aspnetcore, dotnet-runtime
- adds DOTNET_ROOT path statments to $HOME/.nameofshellrc
- command line switch: --csharp
- Install course requirements for Alex T's C# 101 for Hackers
- To view all command line args
- sudo ./pimpmykali.sh --help
- --auto
- set speedrun var
- bypass menu
- only prompt is to set password for the root account
- --autonoroot
- set speedrun var
- bypass menu
- bypass enable root login
- bypass prompts
- --all
- run menu option 0 (fix all)
- all prompts
- bypass enable root login
- --binfmt
- enable and mount /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
- --binfmt-winexe
- enable dos/windows exe in binfmt_misc, installs wine
- --bloodhound
- install bloodhound
- --brokenxfce
- apply broken xfce fix
- --cme
- install crackmapexec
- --checkvm
- detect hypervisor
- vmware
- virtualbox
- qemu/utm
- install guest additions for detected hypervisor
- detect hypervisor
- --dockercompose
- install docker compose
- --flameshot
- install flameshot
- --gedit
- install gedit
- apply fix connection refused fix
- --golang
- install golang
- --gowitness
- install gowitness latest from github
- --ghidra
- install ghidra from github, add dark theme
- --grub
- update grub
- --help
- this help menu
- --httprobe run fix_httprobe
- --impacket install impacket latest
- --nukeimpacket
- install impacket 0.9.19
- python3 as default
- /bin/python
- pip3 as default
- /usr/bin/pip
- install pip2 via curl
- /usr/bin/pip2
- --mirrors
- run pimpmykali-mirrors speedtest
- --mitm6
- reinstall mitm6
- --missing
- run menu option 1 (fix missing)
- --neo4j
- install neo4j
- --newvm
- menu option N new vm setup
- --nmap
- run fix nmap
- --netexec
- install netexec from github
- --nessus
- download nessus latest
- install nessus
- start nessusd service
- --nukenessus
- stop nessusd service
- remove nessus
- --peas
- get all the peas from github (linpeas/winpeas)
- linpeas to /opt/linpeas
- winpeas to /opt/winpeas
- --plumhound
- install plumhound
- adds symlinks in /usr/local/bin to put plumhound in $PATH
- --root
- set speedrun var
- enable root login
- only prompt is to set root account password
- --smbconf
- run fix smb.conf
- --seclists
- install seclists
- --spike
- run fix_spike function
- --sublime
- install sublime
- --vscode
- install ms-vscode
- --wayback install waybackrust
- --upgrade
- system upgrade
- checks for linux-headers installed after upgrade
- hypervisor detection
- vmware
- virtualbox
- qemu/utm
- install guest additions for detected hypervisor
- Python fixes:
- --pip2
- install pip2 via curl
- /usr/bin/pip2
- --pip3
- install pip3
- /usr/bin/pip
- --fixpip
- run fix pip function
- ensure /usr/bin/pip is for python3
- --pipx
- install pipx
- pipx ensurepath
- --pip2
- TCM Security course setups
- --api Hacking API course setup
- --csharp C# course setup
- --iot IoT Hacking course setup
- --mapt Mobile Application Pentester course setup
- --pbb Practical Bugbounty course setup
- --pehweblab PEH course Web Lab setup
- clean up todo list :)