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breaking change
breaking change
Includes breaking changes to code/packaging
Something isn't working
do not merge
do not merge
Don't merge. Don't.
This issue or pull request already exists
feature request
feature request
Request for a new feature
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
needs backport: 2.9
needs backport: 2.9
needs backport: 2.10
needs backport: 2.10
p: high
p: high
High priority
p: low
p: low
Low priority
p: medium
p: medium
Medium priority
Further information is requested
s: blocked
s: blocked
Issue/PR is blocked by other issues
s: deferred
s: deferred
s: in progress
s: in progress
Issue/PR is being worked on
s: needs review
s: needs review
Issue/PR is awaiting reviews
s: planned
s: planned
Issue is planned in the future
s: waiting for api/docs
s: waiting for api/docs
Issue/PR is waiting for API support/documentation
t: api support
t: api support
Support of Discord API features
t: dependencies
t: dependencies
Addition/update/removal of dependencies
t: deprecation
t: deprecation
Deprecation of existing features
t: documentation
t: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation/examples
t: enhancement
t: enhancement
New feature
t: meta
t: meta
Changes to the project itself (CI, configs, etc.)
t: refactor/typing/lint
t: refactor/typing/lint
Refactors, typing changes and/or linting changes