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Brooklin Myers edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision


We keep track of errors students encounter while installing the curriculum, to assist upcoming students in resolving similar problems.

If this guide does not help you resolve your issue, reach out to or raise an issue to get support.

Could not compile dependency :aws_signature

When installing Livebook mix escript.install github livebook-dev/livebook you may see the following error.

** (Mix) Could not compile dependency :aws_signature, "/home/user/.mix/rebar3 bare compile --paths /tmp/mix-local-installer-fetcher-Ao9gNA/deps/new package/_build/prod/lib/*/ebin" command failed. Errors may have been logged above. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile aws_signature", update it with "mix deps.update aws_signature" or clean it with "mix deps.clean aws_signature"

To resolve this issue, update rebar3 by running the following command.

mix local.rebar

Then try installing Livebook again. This time it should succeed.

Livebook: Command Not Found (ASDF)

If using asdf you need to create the shim for livebook.

asdf reshim

Livebook: Command Not Found

After installing livebook mix escript.install github livebook-dev/livebook you may see the following message:

warning: you must append "/home/user/.mix/escripts" to your PATH if you want to invoke escripts by name

This means we need to append .mix/escripts to the PATH variable in order to find the location of the .mix/escripts folder when we run the livebook command.

Try running the following to confirm you can run Livebook. Stop Livebook once you have confirmed it runs successfully.

~/.mix/escripts/livebook server

Different operating systems use different configuration files, typically either .bashrc on Windows and Linux or .zshrc on MacOS. If you want to run livebook instead of ~/.mix/escripts/livebook, add the following at the bottom of the appropriate configuration file.


Then close your terminal and reload it, or run the following. Replace .bashrc with the appropriate configuration file.

source .bashrc

Now you can run Livebook using the livebook command.

livebook server

Livebook server not starting (Windows)

This is a known Livebook issue (196, 194, 1042) that happens when some Erlang files don't show a dialog for its firewall approval on the first Livebook execution after being installed.

  • Before calling Livebook, execute iex --sname test on terminal.
  • On appearing Windows firewall dialog, approve permission for epmd.exe.
  • Both erl.exe and epmd.exe should appear on firewall-allowed apps.

Unable to locate package (Linux, Windows+WSL)

On a new install of a Linux distribution the package list does not come updated and you need to run (in Ubuntu) sudo apt update. This is also true when adding a new package such as when we add the Erlang Solutions repository.