This software is EXPERIMENTAL and not ready for production use. It is just a proof of concept.
The application is intended to create:
- Doctrine1
- Doctrine2
- Propel
- CakePHP
- ...
schema files from MySQL Workbench models (*.mwb). It is inspired by
Support for behaviours is implemented for Doctrine1. Use the comment fields in tables.
Works with PHP 5.3 and up.
- Doctrine Project
- MySQL Workbench
- Symfony Project
- MySQL Workbench Doctrine Plugin - google code project
// enable autoloading of classes
$classLoader = new SplClassLoader();
// define a formatter
$formatter = new \MwbExporter\Formatter\Doctrine2\Annotation\Loader();
// parse the mwb file
$mwb = new \MwbExporter\Core\Workbench\Document('myDatabaseModel.mwb', $formatter);
// show the output
echo $mwb->display();