Neural network for photogrammetry and reconstruction 3d model from photos
Current neural network training performance
Work in progress but currently my plan includes this parts to realisation:
- System to ordering images by similarity that was image pairs will be together
- Reconstruct camera positions from image pairs (previous and current)
- Create depth map based on current image and two most nearset images (or large if I will rich)
- Convert are separately depth maps to common points cloud and filter them from trash points
- Create mesh from points cloud and texture them
Main purpose of this section is defining nearest images together for next step.
Scripts for training placed in the /src/surface_match/
Dataset placed in the /data/surface_match/
Prepared data in npz file placed in the /train_data/surface_match/
Saved model and their weights placed in the /models/surface_match/
Dataset generate in Blender. Main idea is creating pair of images from every camera position to every other wich defining how many surface matched between images. So dataset presents pairs of normal renders with b/w image where white color define matched surfaces wich will be converted to number 0-1, where 0 is has no matched surfaced and 1 is same images.
Currently status of this section — creation dataset.
- Structure-from-motion using convolutional neural networks
- ICPS-net: An End-to-End RGB-based Indoor Camera Positioning System using deep convolutional neural networks
Here we need define cameras position in 3d space to know from we will estimate depth maps.
Scripts for trainig placed in the /src/camera_deltas/
Dataset placed in the /data/camera_deltas/
Prepared data in npz file placed in the /train_data/camera_deltas/
Saved model and their weights placed in the /models/camera_deltas/
Currently status of this section — almost working demo with acceptable quality.
- Verify network quality on the synthetic data.
- To generate dataset for each normal task (indoor photos, exterior, object shooting) with photorealistic images sith sizes around 450×300. And to include complex (for SIFT method) surfaces like shiny, mirrors, metallic.
Currently uses synthetic images like this:
- To do augmentation methods like: 3.1. Camera lens distortion 3.2. Noise like from high ISO 3.3. Small motion blur 3.4. Gaussian blur (like defocus) 3.5. JPEG-glitches 3.6. Fly on camera lens 3.7. Different brightness/contrast/hue 3.8. Dirty camera (like finger print)
- Train network for fast result (like 120×90, bw)
- Train network for strong result (lik 450×300, rgb)
- Delta of cameras position currently define in global scene coordinates. So in one direction the x-axis at left from camera, and in reverse direction at right from camera. So in nearset target fix it.
- Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Understanding the Limitations of CNN-based Absolute Camera Pose Regression
- Geometric loss functions for camera pose regression with deep learning
In this section we will get target image and two most nearest, then calculate depth map which looks like this:
Currently status of this section — ready method for creation dataset of images in Blender 3D.
In this section we will scale depth map from relative it camera until it better matching from neighboring cameras.
Classic method for creating mesh from poitns cloud.