Snack Attack Track is a subscription/membership management software meant to run on a raspberry pi with a touchscreen.
(If you are trying to follow these steps for the first time, PLEASE let us know if you run into any problems so we can update the setup process)
- Python 3.9 (preferably installed from the Microsoft store)
- git (
- GitHub Desktop if you prefer GUI for git (
- Visual Studio Code (
- Clone this repository to your Windows machine using git
- Run setupDevEnvironmentWindows.bat
- In Visual Studio Code: Select 'Open Folder...' and select the cloned repository
- Hit Ctrl + Shift + P and write 'select interpreter' and click 'Python: Select Interpreter'
- Select the Python executable found in <cloned repository>/venv/Scripts/python.exe
- Hit F5 to start debugging with the preset "Python: Run Snack Attack Track GUI" defined in <cloned repository>/.vscode/launch.json
- Run runGuiWindows.bat
- Python 3.9 or Python 3.10
- GitKraken Client if you prefer GUI for git (
- Visual Studio Code (
- Clone this repository to your Ubuntu machine using git
- Run 'bash'
- In Visual Studio Code: Select 'Open Folder...' and select the cloned repository
- Hit Ctrl + Shift + P and write 'select interpreter' and click 'Python: Select Interpreter'
- Select the Python executable found in <cloned repository>/venv/Scripts/python
- Hit F5 to start debugging with the preset "Python: Run Snack Attack Track GUI" defined in <cloned repository>/.vscode/launch.json
- Run 'bash'
- Press Ctrl + e to start kivy inspector
This will run pylint and black to format the code and check for any violations of the PEP 8 Python coding standards.
- pip install black pylint pre-commit or pip install -r requirements.txt
- pre-commit install
- pre-commit run -a