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HR Staff Portal

This App handles employee data which is created through the process of printing ID Cards with the EasyBadge ID Card Printer Software. All data is stored in a MySQL databank.

For development choose your favorite Text-Editor or use an IDE as RStudio, PyCharm or VS Code. Install git to use version control.


Description of the installation and configuration to use the HR Staff Portal.

Installation and configuration of all needed Software

All Software which is used to run HR Staff Portal is Open Source. Please be aware of different licenses with varying policies.

Installation of Python and Streamlit

Install Streamlit & Python to run the source code locally. A virtual Python environment like Anaconda / Miniconda is highly recommend.

Getting the HR Staff Portal source code and install dependencies

Clone the repository of HRStaffPortal with following command:

git clone

After that you need to install some Python libraries. To do so use the requirements.txt file with:

cd HRStaffPortal
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Configuration of Streamlit config files

First make a directory .streamlit. After that create the file .streamlit/config.toml. Here you define the theming and some Streamlit server behaviour flags:

primaryColor = "#F63366"
backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"
secondaryBackgroundColor = "#F0F2F6"
textColor = "#262730"
font = "sans serif"

gatherUsageStats = false

headless = true
Activating Secure Socket Layer (ssl)

If you want a secure connection (https), you need to generate the OpenSSL certificate and the public key:

openssl genrsa 2048 > host.key
chmod 400 host.key
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -key host.key -out host.cert

Streamlit v1.20.0 brings secure connection, you just need to add these two lines to .streamlit/config.toml:

# Server certificate file for connecting via HTTPS. Must be set at the same time as "server.sslKeyFile"
sslCertFile = "<path-to-file>/host.cert"

# Cryptographic key file for connecting via HTTPS. Must be set at the same time as "server.sslCertFile"
sslKeyFile = "<path-to-file>/host.key"

Now create the file .streamlit/secrets.toml where you define some customisations and the user / password combinations:

### Customization
images_url = "https://example.url/images/"
images_zip = ""
images_path = "images/"
facility = "XXXXXXXX"
facility_abbreviation = "XXX"
facility_image = "images/XXX.png"
facility_image_thumbnail = "images/XXX.png"
sidebar_image = "images/XXX.png"
placeholder = "images/placeholder.png"
placeholder_docu = "images/placeholder_documentation.png"
chat_bot = "images/Ben.png"
menu_items_help = "https://www.example.url/help"
menu_items_bug = ""
address_line1 = "XXXXXXXXXX,"
address_line2 = "XXXXX, XXXXX"
contact_tel1 = "+xxx x xxx xxx"
contact_tel2 = "+xxx x xxx xxx"
contact_tel3 = "+xxx x xxx xxx"
contact_mail1 = ""
contact_mail1_desc = "XXX"
contact_mail2 = ""
contact_mail2_desc = "XXX"
contact_admin = ""

### User management
# Follow the rule: username = "password"
user = "xxxxxxxx"

## Administrators
admin = "xxxxxxxx"

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is needed to run HR Staff Portal. Please install MySQL Community Server on your system (Windows, Ubuntu Linux) or on Raspberry Pi use MariaDB:

sudo apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client

Use MySQL Workbench to configure the databases and user rights.

MySQL server configuration in Streamlit

In the .streamlit/secrets.toml you define the MySQL server settings for the different modules (HR Staff Portal / Car Fleet Management System / Handbook & Chat-Bot):

### MySQL configuration for HR Staff Portal
host = ""
port = 3306
database = "idcard"
user = "xyz"
password = "xyz"

### MySQL configuration for handbook and ChatBot
host = ""
port = 3306
database = "benbox"
user = "xyz"
password = "xyz"

Connect to your MySQL database and create the user you configured in secrets.toml. Create a schema / database with the name idcard. Give the user the rights to alter the database tables.

To configure the HR Staff Portal database tables run the following SQL script:

      `ID` INT NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`ID`));
      `ID` INT NOT NULL,
      `DAYS` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`ID`));

or use the database dump with sample data files/idcard_dump.sql and import them to a MySQL / MariaDB database using MySQL Workbench. To use the Car Fleet Management System module you also need to import the file files/carfleet_dump.sql. To use the Chatbot please import the files/benbox_dump.sql file.

Streamlit configuration for different services

To run services (e.g. mail sending) further configuration in .streamlit/secrets.toml is needed:

### Mail configuration
user = ""
password = "xxxxxxxx
smtp_server = ""
smtp_server_port = 587

### OpenAI API key
key = "xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
### Deepl API key
key = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:xx"

Install and configure an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Developement of the HR Staff Portal mostly was done in VS Studio Code, but you are free to choose whatever IDE that supports the Python programming language and has a Terminal included (which makes lifee way easier).

Working with VS Studio Code on the project

In VS Studio Code choose File - New Window and choose Existing Directory. This will create a new Project. Add the git in the Version Control tab under the Project Options in the right upper corner of RStudio. Now you can open the source code as a RStudio project anytime you are working on the source files and easily use the git functionality within the RStudio IDE.

Alternatively you can directly download the sources of the project choosing File - New Project and choose Clone Git Repository. Insert the repository URL:

You need to configure the Python environment (bottom), choose your Anaconda or Miniconda Python installation.

Use of the HR Staff Portal and updates

The HR Staff Portal software runs under the GNU General Public License v3.0 which allows the commercial use, modification for your purposes, distribution, patent use as well as the private use.

Use of the web application

The HR Staff Portal is running as an Web Service through the Python Streamlit framework. It will use the port 8501 if you are not changing it in .streamlit/config.toml in the browser section:

# Server port binding
serverPort = 8501
Clone a specific version of HR Staff Portal

To clone a specific version of HR Staff Portal use this command:

git clone -b v0.1.1
Update HR Staff Portal

To update the source files to the newest version use the build-in pull function of git in RStudio (menu on the right upper side, choose git and press the green arrow which shows down). If you are using the app on a computer without a RStudio installation, just use this git command:

git pull
Execute the Streamlit Web App

If you've installed all dependencies, configured the MySQL server and edited the Streamlit app config files (config.toml / secrets.toml) to your setup, you can run the app locally within the Terminal of your IDE or any other terminal with access to Python and the Python libraries (e.g. a virtual environment) with this command:

python -m streamlit run 🏥

This will open the Web App on the servers IP address(es) and the designated port. Open it in the browser with or if you are using SLL connections.

Update Streamlit & dependencies

The Software and its dependencies will be updated regularly, so make sure to always run the newest versions to avoid security risks.

Update of Streamlit

To update to the latest version of the Streamlit web app framework, run the following command:

python -m pip install --upgrade streamlit
Update dependencies

To update all dependencies, use this command:

python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Running in Docker

To run the app in a docker environment, use the existing docker-compose.yml configuration.

Creating container

Run this command in the local app folder:

docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose --project-name hrstaffportal up -d && docker image prune -fa


Open in Streamlit Cloud

