Easy to use and configurable library to Pick an image from the Gallery or Capture image using Camera. It also allows to Crop the Image based on Aspect Ratio, Resolution and Image Size.
- Pick Gallery Images
- Pick Images from Google Drive
- Capture Camera Image
- Crop Images(Crop image based on provided aspect ratio or let user choose one)
- Compress Images(Compress image based on provided resolution and size)
- Retrieve Image Result as File, File Path as String or Uri object
- Handle Runtime Permission for Camera and Storage
Profile Image Picker | Gallery Only | Camera Only |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Gradle dependency:
allprojects {
repositories {
mavenCentral() // For ImagePicker library, this line is enough. Although, it has been published on jitpack as well
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } //Make sure to add this in your project for uCrop - an internal library
implementation 'com.github.Drjacky:ImagePicker:$libVersion'
If you want to get the activity result:
private val launcher =
registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) {
if (it.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
val uri = it.data?.data!!
// Use the uri to load the image
// Only if you are not using crop feature:
uri?.let { galleryUri ->
ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> launcher=
registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),(ActivityResult result)->{
Uri uri=result.getData().getData();
// Use the uri to load the image
}else if(result.getResultCode()==ImagePicker.RESULT_ERROR){
// Use ImagePicker.Companion.getError(result.getData()) to show an error
Both Camera and Gallery:
.provider(ImageProvider.BOTH) //Or bothCameraGallery()
.createIntentFromDialog { launcher.launch(it) }
Crop image:
Crop image with 16:9 aspect ratio:
.crop(16f, 9f)
Crop square image(e.g for profile):
.cropSquare() //Crop square image, its same as crop(1f, 1f)
Oval crop image:
.cropOval() //Allow dimmed layer to have a circle inside
Set Max Width and Height of final image:
.maxResultSize(512, 512, true) //true: Keep Ratio
Java sample for using createIntentFromDialog
.provider(ImageProvider.BOTH) //Or bothCameraGallery()
.createIntentFromDialog((Function1)(new Function1(){
public Object invoke(Object var1){
return Unit.INSTANCE;
public final void invoke(@NotNull Intent it){
If you want just one option(camera or gallery):
.cameraOnly() // or galleryOnly()
Let the user to resize crop bounds:
Let the user to pick multiple files or single file in gallery mode:
Let the user defines the output format:
Intercept ImageProvider; could be used for analytics purposes:
.setImageProviderInterceptor { imageProvider -> //Intercept ImageProvider
Log.d("ImagePicker", "Selected ImageProvider: "+imageProvider.name)
Intercept Dialog dismiss event:
.setDismissListener {
// Handle dismiss event
Log.d("ImagePicker", "onDismiss");
Limit MIME types while choosing a gallery image:
.galleryMimeTypes( //Exclude gif images
mimeTypes = arrayOf(
Add Following parameters in your colors.xml file, if you want to customize uCrop Activity:
<!-- Here you can add color of your choice -->
<color name="ucrop_color_toolbar">@color/teal_500</color>
<color name="ucrop_color_statusbar">@color/teal_700</color>
<color name="ucrop_color_widget_active">@color/teal_500</color>
- Library - Android Kitkat 4.4+ (API 19)
- Sample - Android Kitkat 4.4+ (API 19)
- uCrop https://github.com/Yalantis/uCrop
- Compressor https://github.com/zetbaitsu/Compressor
- ImagePicker https://github.com/Dhaval2404/ImagePicker which my work is based on this repository.