An easy to use HTTP client with a fast downloader.
This library was made with the famous HTTPX library!
I originally intended to make a small module to refactor my networking layer in my apps using httpx, and ended up creating a library !
# PIP:
pip install quickspirit
# Poetry:
poetry add quickspirit
# UV:
uv add quickspirit
The library's internal mechanism returns a bytes data repersenting the bytes coming in from the network. Since we don't know the shape of the data, I delegated the responsibility to you to figure out how to parse it to your liking.
A sample code would look like this:
from quickspirit import HttpAsyncClient
from asyncio import run
from json import joads
from typing import Any
async def main():
result = await HttpAsyncClient().get("https://some distant url returning json hopefully")
if result.Error:
raise result.Error
data: dict[str, Any] = loads(result.Data)
# do whatever you need now that you have the data...
if __name__ == "__main__":
A complete example can be found in the example
Clone with git:
git clone && cd QuickSpirit-Async
Create a virtual env and install the dependencies in it:
python3 -m venv .venv && .venv/Scripts/activate
# I built the project using poetry, so you may want to have that inside of your venv ! No need to install it in your global python install.
poetry install --no-root
Run the tests with pytest:
# Here I'm using uv to run the tests, but the command should be the same for other package manager:
pytest -vs .
The project is under the GPT-3.0 License, see the License
file for details.