The target device for the lab sessions is the multi-core PULP platform. The PULP Virtual Platform simulator GVSOC, which is included within the PULP SDK, will be used during the class.
- Subject(s): hello-world, vector sum, matrix-vector mul, profiling code execution;
- Programming Language: C;
- Lab duration: 3h
- Objective: Embedded programming & profiling. You will learn basics of embedded programming, the pulp architecture, basic operations (sum & matmul), and how to profile your code execution (MAC, cycles) !
Use Virtuale, upload only the assignment file named as follows: LAB#_APAI_yourname.ipynb
Assignment DEADLINE: 18/10/2023 (at 14:30)
- Open the VirtualBox virtual machine
- Open a terminal (CTRL+T or open terminal)
- Launch the commands (clone repo, move into folder, open Visual Studio Code):
git clone
cd APAI24-LAB02-PULP-Embedded-Programming/
code .
- Now you're ready to start!
[DO NOT FORGET] Every time you open a new terminal run:
To run the code enter in a terminal
make clean all run