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Testing Azure ARM / Image Builder and DSC to establish STIG'd resource


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Create Custom STIG Images

UPDATE 2/1/2021:

  • Some bug fixes in setPowerStig script to reflect variance between server and client.
  • Updated to latest PowerSTIG and 4.7.1 and STIG versions 2.1
  • Also added IE and Chrome STIGs to MOF file for example. New MOF creation scripts added to /scripts/MOFcreation folder

At Microsoft, our security and compliance story is one of our greatest differentiators. Microsoft recognizes the criticality of security compliance accreditations for Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and Department of Defense (DoD) customers. Maintaining Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) compliance is critical and often time consuming. Azure provides automation and compliance dashboarding capabilities at cloud speed and scale, allowing customers to shortcut the heavy costs of compliance when they choose Azure.

The Azure Team has created sample solutions using first-party Azure tooling to deliver STIG automation and compliance reporting. The STIG Automation GitHub Repository, enables customers to:

  • Automate STIG implementation and baseline updates with Azure Image Builder

  • Visualize compliance with Azure Monitor Log Analytics or Sentinel

STIG Automation POC Primary Goals

  • Microsoft Azure 1st party services
  • Some level of ongoing reporting
  • As hands free as possible
  • Some level of ongoing maintenance

Current Architecture

The overall architecture is to use a set of resources deployed via nested ARM templates from this repo. The result is an automated VM image creation via Azure Image Builder and final STIG'd images stored in the resource groups Shared Image Gallery for use in that subscription. Logging is the HTTPS ingestion API for Log Analytics and DSC Audit logs of PowerSTIG and it will not interfere with any agents monitoring for other purposes.

Basic resources used:

  1. Shared Image Gallery
  2. Image Definitions
  3. Image Builder Templates
  4. GitHub
  5. Log Analytics Workspace
  6. Azure Automation (for future use)
  7. Managed Identity
  8. Azure Workbook for Sentinel and Log Analytics
  9. PowerShell during creation and for reporting audits.
    Note: This is scheduled every 20 minutes and can be modified prior to deploying in the setPowerStig.ps1 script on the second to last line.

Resources used in the Image building and STIG process:

  1. PowerSTIG DSC - STIG and Audit STIG
  2. Custom scripts
    a. setPowerStig.ps1 = enables DSC and PowerSTIG requirements and creates scheduled task to audit for Windows.
    b. audit.ps1 = Audits current state and parses state values to log for Windows.
    c. Desired state MOF files, one for each image required.
    d. Image Definition files, one for each.

Resources used in the reporting and deployed as part of solution:

  1. Log Analytics Workspace - logged telemetry varies per OS. See here for Azure Monitor Log Analytics #.
  2. 2 x Log Analytics workbooks, one for use in Sentinel.
  3. Sentinel Solution - connects workspace to Sentinel. See here for Sentinel #. This connector can be removed and the workbook used in Log Analytics if desired.

Note: Logging by default is over public network, for isolated systems please set up a private link to Azure Monitor.

Current supported OSes

See Azure Image Builder for more support information on locations and customization services.

  • Windows 10 RS5 Enterprise/Enterprise multi-session/Professional
  • Windows 2016
  • Windows 2019

Not yet supported by this project are:

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • RHEL 7.6, 7.7, 8
  • CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 8
  • SLES 12 SP4
  • SLES 15, SLES 15 SP1

Getting Started

To deploy the correct resources that enable a base of STIG'd images be created in your subscription run the following:

  1. Ensure you have the required resource registrations in your subscription:
Register-AzProviderFeature -FeatureName VirtualMachineTemplatePreview -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages
Register-AzResourceProvider Microsoft.KeyVault
Register-AzResourceProvider Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages
Register-AzResourceProvider Microsoft.Compute
Register-AzResourceProvider Microsoft.Storage
  1. Deploy the solution to create the images:
    $url = ""
    $imageResourceGroup = "<add the resource group name to create>" 
    $deploymentName = "<Add a name of deployment>" + (Get-Random)
    New-AzSubscriptionDeployment `
      -Name $deploymentName `
      -Location eastus `
      -TemplateUri $url `
      -rgName $imageResourceGroup `
      -rgLocation eastus `
      -DeploymentDebugLogLevel All
  1. Create the images:

At this point you should have the needed resources to create STIG'd images. Run the following for each image template created that you wish an image to be created in the shared image gallery. These are a result of the image template json files in the imageTemplate folder. These files also reflect how and where to create images and/or VHDs. This automation includes these 5 images with the following names:

  • Windows 10 STIG v1r23 - 'Win10WVDw365_STIG'
  • Windows Server 2019 v1r5 - 'Win2019_STIG'
  • Windows Server 2019 Domain Controller v1r5 - 'Win2019DC_STIG'
  • Windows Server 2016 v1r12 - 'Win2016_STIG'
  • Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller v1r12 - 'Win2016DC_STIG'
    Invoke-AzResourceAction `
      -ResourceName '<name of image from above>' ` # Example: Win2019_STIG
      -ResourceGroupName '<name of resource group where templates are>' `
      -ResourceType Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates `
      -ApiVersion "2020-02-14" `
      -Action Run `

UPDATE: The above invoke command will continue to work but new PowerShell commands will expedite this. For example, the following script will get all image templates in the resource group and run Start-AzImageBuilderTemplate as a job for each.

$imageTemplates = Get-AzImageBuilderTemplate -ResourceGroupName '<Resource Group Name>'
foreach($template in $imageTemplates){
    Start-AzImageBuilderTemplate -ResourceGroupName '<Resource Group Name>' -Name $template.Name -AsJob
  1. Confirm images are created. In the resource group you can find the Share Image Gallery which will be named after you resource group and appened with -SIG-(6 random characters). Here you should see the 5 image definitions, by selecting one you should see the created images:

Note: A VHD copy is also sysprepped and stored in the image builders resource groups storage account. The name starts with IT_ and has your RG name and the definition name followed by a random GUID. example: IT_STIG_DEMO_Win2019_STIG_de6b0de8-5766-4e3d-9488-66b510fedb79

  1. Test the image by selecting 'Create VM' in the image gallery image view blade.

  2. After a VM is created and running you view the logs created in the Log Ananlytics workspace that was created as part of the deployment. A schduled task has been added to the images which will run every 20 minutes which audits the PowerSTIG DSC resource and parses the response to send to the LA workspaces rest API. Two custom logs are created, the first is 'STIG_Compliance_Computer_CL ' and represents each VM with some additional telemetry about the VM and the second is 'STIG_Compliance_CL' which represents each control and includes document and/or manual controls. More detail about the logs to come soon.

Once virtual machines are deployed, they start to report in to the Log Analytics Workspace and the following workbook can be viewed:

Ongoing Maintenance

While there is little to do ongoing outside of monitoring and reporting updated STIGs which are quarterly can be created by simply creating a MOF file as directed by PowerSTIG documentation and a new image template uploaded using image builder.

Specifically, when new STIG's are released or updated, you'll need do three things.

  • First create a MOF file which will be used by desired state configuration (DSC), one used for WS 2019 can be found here. It is a PowerStig DSC configuration script. Note: Pay close attention to naming convention of the configuration file since it will be the name of the output MOF file.
  • create a new image definition template. An example can be found here. Note: the example template is designed to operate as a nested template for the solution but can be adapted to run separately with some modifications.

Sample PowerShell to upload the new image definition:

# Image gallery name
$sigGalleryName= "myIBSIG"

# Image definition name
$imageDefName ="winSvrimage"

# additional replication region

# Create the gallery
New-AzGallery `
   -GalleryName $sigGalleryName `
   -ResourceGroupName $imageResourceGroup  `
   -Location $location

# Create the image definition
New-AzGalleryImageDefinition `
   -GalleryName $sigGalleryName `
   -ResourceGroupName $imageResourceGroup `
   -Location $location `
   -Name $imageDefName `
   -OsState generalized `
   -OsType Windows `
   -Publisher 'myCompany' `
   -Offer 'WindowsServer' `
   -Sku 'WinSrv2019'

Note: Naming is important since image templates are not idempotent. Also versioning is important, for example our deployment uses the STIG version to properly audit with PowerSTIG and to place the newly created images in the image gallery.

Current Roadmap

As of 10/28/2020 this project is beta but in working order. You can find updates here as they are published.

12/16/2020 - Publish first release for consumption. To do items include full how-to wiki and additional image templates for broader coverage.


Copyright (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Testing Azure ARM / Image Builder and DSC to establish STIG'd resource



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  • PowerShell 59.5%
  • Shell 40.5%