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This project is active and maintained by David Alpert.


An easy to use HTTP client that supports:

  • Cookies
  • Authentication
  • Dynamic and Static Typing
  • XML, JSON and WWW-Url form encoded encoding/decoding
  • File upload both via PUT and POST (multipart/formdata)
  • Some other neat little features....


Licensed under Modified BSD (i.e. pretty much MIT).

For full License and included software licenses please see LICENSE.TXT

Please log all issues here:


You can either download the source and compile or use nuget at To install with nuget:

Install-Package EasyHttp


The documentation can be found on the wiki.


Using static types

To post/put a customer to some service:

	var customer = new Customer(); 
	customer.Name = "Joe"; 
	customer.Email = "";
	var http = new HttpClient();
	http.Post("url", customer, HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson);

To get some data in JSON format:

	var http = new HttpClient();
	http.Request.Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson;
	var response = http.Get("url");
	var customer = response.StaticBody<Customer>();
	Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", customer.Name);

Using dynamic types

To post/put a customer to some service:

	var customer = new ExpandoObject(); // Or any dynamic type
	customer.Name = "Joe";
	customer.Email = "";
	var http = new HttpClient();
	http.Post("url", customer, HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson);

To get some data in JSON format:

	var http = new HttpClient();
	http.Request.Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson;
	var response = http.Get("url");
	var customer = response.DynamicBody;
	Console.WriteLine("Name {0}", customer.Name);

Both in Static and Dynamic versions, hierarchies are supported.

Perform a get with parameters

To get some data from a service

   var http = new HttpClient();
   http.Get("url", new {Name = "test"});

Should translate to the following url being passed. url?Name=test the value will be urlencoded.

To get some data in JSon format.

   var http = new HttpClient();
   http.Request.Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson;
   http.Get("url", new {Name = "test"});

Serialization / Deserialization Conventions

For serialization / deserialization, you can use pretty much any type of naming convention, be it Propercase, CamelCase, lowerCamelCase, with_underscores, etc. If for some reason, your convention is not picked up, you can always decorate the property with an attribute:

   public string SomeWeirdCombination { get; set; }


Copyright (c) 2010 - 2017 Hadi Hariri and Project Contributors

JsonFX: Licensed under MIT. EasyHttp uses the awesome JsonFX library at