Dev-pBox is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of awesome contributors. DevHelpBox community is created so that other developers can get benefits from it. In this project, all developers contribute their designs. And all other developers use those designs to create their own projects and prototypes.
- Make a Fork.
- Clone the repository to your local desktop.
- Select the folder(what you are creating)
- Create new folder inside the selected folder and give it a name (It's necessary).
- Make changes and Add to Staging here.
- Commit changes [always write the message short and easy to understand (ideally 3 to 5 words).]
- Push the changes so that Pull request will be generated.
- Make PR.
- Commits should be descriptive.
- # form .
- Log in form.
- E-cart.
- Portfolio website.
- CMS.
- J2EE
- Spring
- Sturts
- NodeJS
- Express
- Django
- Dotnet
- Or Any other frameworks
Thank you for your interest! All types of contributions are welcome.
Happy Coding!