The original goal here was to find some solution that was small and preferrably interopped well with odin-lang. So, everything that was either not written in C or was not going to be an easy port, was ignored.
Now I just keep this in sync with anything I find while working on my forks of VEFontCache.
Sokol solution (possibly, if your just after a standalone text renderer and willing to just sokol/opengl)
Its directly available in the vendor library and hookup impl exists alrady: sokol/util/sokol_fontstash.h
Original Repo: memononen/fontstash
There are several forks for fonstash... Going to elabroate on them in a separate file
Claims to target better perforamnce than fontstash.
Decided to directly intergrate stb_truetype.h instead of keeping it separate (There is an option to define RFONT_EXTERNAL_STB
(looks to provide everything necessary ~1000 lines of code only)
(Also looks very good..., but it uses c++, easy to port however since its 1691 lines...)
Industry standard (free if you negotiate use on a free purpose, porting interface to X-Lang is problably non-trivial)
Implementing a Font Reader and Rasterizer from Scratch, Part 1: TTF Font Reader
LearnOpenGL - Text Rendering
Improving Learn OpenGL's Text Rendering Example | Adventures in Coding
Repo for above vod: johnWRS/LearnOpenGLTextRenderingImprovement
GPU Gems 3: Chapter 25. Rendering Vector Art on the GPU
Writing a TrueType font renderer
Wikibooks/OpenGL_Programming/... Text Rendering 01
02 of above
Simple good quality subpixel text rendering in OpenGL with stb_truetype and dual source blending
raddebugger (non-trivial to digest solution)
Efficient 2D Signed Distance Field Generation on GPU
Related article for theta's implementation
MSDFGL - OpenGL-accelerated implementation of the multi-channel signed distance-field algorithm.
ShivaVG: open-source ANSI C OpenVG
SIGGRAPH2007: Improved Alpha-Tested Magnification for Vector Textures and Special Effects
Resolution Independent Curve Rendering using Programmable Graphics Hardware
Higher Quality 2D Text Rendering
A Vector Graphics Renderer — part 1
A Vector Graphics Renderer — part 2
A Vector Graphics Renderer — part 3
Revisiting Vector Graphics on the GPU
Orca Vector Graphics Backend
Graphics 2[7] Baking Optimized Fonts Data
Graphics [8]: Low Level Rendering API Part 1
Graphics [9]: Low Level Rendering API Part 2
Graphics [10]: High Level Rendering API
ded editor
Legendary Font Rendering
Rendering Text Editor on GPU
OpenGL Text Rendering for My Immediate UI Library - Offline Stream #02