EifelMono.Commandline added a fluent interface on top of the
- System.CommandLine.Experimental
- System.Interactive.Async
Sample from the github wiki in fluent form
static Task<int> MainFromWiki(string[] args)
=> args.ArgsCommandBuilder("My sample app")
.Option<int>("--int-option", 42, "An option whose argument is parsed as an int")
.Option<bool>("--bool-option", default, "An option whose argument is parsed as a bool")
.Option<FileInfo>("--file-option", default, "An option whose argument is parsed as a FileInfo")
.OnRootCommand((intOption, boolOption, fileOption) =>
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --int-option is: {intOption}");
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --bool-option is: {boolOption}");
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --file-option is: {fileOption?.FullName ?? "null"}");
static Task<int> MainFromWikiWithAdditionalStuff(string[] args)
=> args.ArgsCommandBuilder("My sample app")
.WriteLine($"{nameof(ConsoleApp1)} {nameof(MainFromWiki)} {fluent.App.Version}")
.Option<int>("--int-option", 42, "An option whose argument is parsed as an int")
.Option<bool>("--bool-option", default, "An option whose argument is parsed as a bool")
.Option<FileInfo>("--file-option", default, "An option whose argument is parsed as a FileInfo")
.OnRootCommand((intOption, boolOption, fileOption) =>
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --int-option is: {intOption}");
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --bool-option is: {boolOption}");
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --file-option is: {fileOption?.FullName ?? "null"}");
var value = await args.ArgsCommandBuilder()
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "--Level1-6")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "--Level1-5")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "--Level1-4")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "--Level1-3")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "--Level1-2")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "--Level1-1")
.OnRootCommand(() => commandResult += "RootCommand")
The options depth is 6 and "type safe" the first option is the first one in OnCommand
var value = await args.ArgsCommandBuilder()
.OnCommand((var1, var2, var3, var4) =>
.OnRootCommand(() => commandResult += "InCommandRoot")
var value = await args.ArgsCommandBuilder()
.OnCommand((var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6) =>
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "InCommand5")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "InCommand4")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "InCommand3")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "InCommand2")
.OnCommand(() => commandResult += "InCommand1")
.OnRootCommand(() => commandResult += "InCommandRoot")