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General Commands

byZeroOfficial edited this page May 15, 2021 · 6 revisions

General Commands

The General Commands are the commands that are used the most and do not belong to any group, for example _avatar belongs to them, because it does not belong to any group. To find out the Prefix of the bot, just mention him and enter nothing more. The commands are at the top and below them the meaning / benefit of the commands!

Arguments in () must be replaced. Arguments in [] do not necessarily have to be replaced

Lets begin!


Shows you a selection of individual groups to be redirected to the GitHub website and find out the meaning of individual commands.


Shows you the bot's ping (latency)


Show's the invite link!

avatar (member)

Sends you a member's avatar URL in a private message!

makeissue (title) [description] // createissue // bug 

Creates an issue on GitHub. This is useful, for example, if you don't have your own GitHub account.


Shows you the sources of my code and help sources and websites I used for help.


Show you some information about my father // my developer

short (url)

Makes an URL shorter with


Shows you all changes.


Shows you some bot information

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